Verses to encourage kindness, prayerfulness, faith and compassion. They can tell what’s genuine and what’s not, and they can usually spot a fake a mile away. Log in. Here are the 3 blessings that I speak over my children each night: “May God bless you and keep you. Your support means the world to your child, so if he tells you he wants to be a supermodel when he grows up, you’ve got to choose your response wisely. You lose touch with people in your life you should have banished years ago. (Jeremiah 29:11), You were lovingly and intentionally created by God. Death & LIFE are in the power of the tongue. You don’t have a right to have expectations over anyone but yourself. As the mother or father of a person you’ve cared for and raised to your best ability, it can weigh heavier than any other challenge you’ve faced in your life. A perverse tongue “breaks the spirit” (Prov. Our model is the Apostle Paul. View Post. Speaking the word of God over your child February 18, 2016 ... Below is a brief worksheet that I created to get the process started to encourage you to speak life (blessings) over your children. You can hear and recognize God’s voice and obey His instruction. The tongue is “a fire, a world of unrighteousness… a restless evil, full of deadly poison” (James 3:6, 8). My mom was a drug addict and alcoholic that had her first child at 16; I came 13 years later, and she still chose the party life over her children. Our kids are excellent lie-detectors. If these Biblical truths encouraged you to speak life over your children, be sure to share them with your friends on Facebook today! Our children, especially when they are young, hang on our every word. 3. A parent’s powerful words speak over our children, shaping their thoughts, and children live up to what is expected of them. One of my favorite things to do each night is pray with my children. God’s promises boldly for you and your family, Lord, we pray for these blessings over our children, today, and every day… Belief – “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.”Acts 16:31. For more questions about parenting, contact Abundant Life Family Church, Aurora, IL. Get them down in your spirit. 2. He or she flourishes under kind words. **This article was written by Lisa Mullen and originally appeared on 11. May He watch over your life, your coming and your going, both now and forevermore.” Tell the truth. They might put their hands up over their ears in protest every now and then but WHO CARES! If it doesn’t measure up to your expectations, oh well. POSITIVE This book guides the reader to speak positively to the child. (Romans 8:35), You can hear and recognize God’s voice and obey His instruction. So today, I want to talk about why this is so important, what kinds of things we should be speaking over them, and a brand-new book for kids that will help you put it all into practice in a fun way. Words of Affirmation are life giving to the child who receives love in this way. Speak this out of your mouth. Why are we shocked or surprised? They WILL hear you and what you are … Use scripture to speak life over your child! May He be gracious to you. This verse from Philippians 4:13 strengthened me to write this post so that it can speak life to your soul as well. Thirdly, I have my kids stand or sit right in front of me one at a time, look me in the eyes, and repeat what I am saying back to me. Your email address will not be published. The Bible says that “, THE IMPORTANCE OF SPEAKING LIFE OVER YOUR KIDS. For a child, you may have to kneel. Sow this in your heart and believe this in your heart. Victoria Lorient-Faibish MEd, CCC, RPP, RPE Learn how to use scripture inspired words to speak life over your child and speak blessings over your family. PERSONAL Having both your child’s name & photos in it . How to Speak Life over your Kids. A well placed phrase of verbal affirmation will deeply and positively affect a Words of Affirmation child. Be ready to field the same questions from your child over and over again, since understanding the permanence of death is a struggle for her. How to Effectively Speak Blessings Over Your Children . He went to bed after that; I, on the other hand, lay on the couch and cried over my loss of control. To summarise our argument so far, if a data controller comes to know, or has reason to know, that a child under 16 years of age is Gillick competent, then it should make reasonable efforts to ascertain the child’s view and to accommodate them, including respecting the child’s own consent. Your support means the world to your child, so if he tells you he wants to be a supermodel when he grows up, you’ve got to choose your response wisely. Luke 1:48-49 (NLT). Speaking life is finding the positive traits that we see within our kids, and affirming those qualities. One of the best things you can do for your children is to speak the Word of God over them. One for each day of the week. Take some time to fill out this worksheet and reflect on the suggested verses. Older children can learn to speak positively about themselves. He spoke life-giving words to the people at the church in Thessalonica, one of the great political and economic crossroads of the Roman Empire. Prophetic Decrees to Speak Blessings Over Your Life We believe in the power of confession and agreeing with what God has spoken and promised us in His Word. Your proxy is the person who will speak for you if you’re unable to speak for yourself. 2:00PM EST 12/1/2014 Jack Hayford (iStock Photo/CEFutcher) Of all the tools God gave you to raise a child, the most powerful is your … “Speaking life is naming out loud the things that you believe your child is becoming…even if they aren’t “there” yet.” {<–Click to Tweet this!} nd from now on all generations will call me blessed. And the more we do it, not only are our prayers heard by God, but our kids hear them, as well. GET … Here are a few examples of things to speak over your children: You are a beloved child of God. ― Joel Osteen, I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” Proverbs 4:23 “Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.” We have such a wonderful privilege as Christian parents to speak life over our kids. Our example is so powerful! “I am blessed. The Speaking Life Children’s book is: 1. Meditate on them. Father I confess Your Word over my children. We can also speak the Word of God over our children, speaking blessings over them. Confession – Praying for Your Children. Read over these declarations every day. Remember, kids do what you do before they will ever do what you say. I’d love to hear about it! Do you or your parents want that or would they prefer to have care stopped when there is no reasonable hope for any qualitative life recovery? Noté /5. It has served me well. The Bible says much about the devastating effect of harmful speech. God’s Word tells us over and over again that our words have incredible power. Prophetic Decrees to Speak Blessings Over Your Life We believe in the power of confession and agreeing with what God has spoken and promised us in His Word. First off, there is no magic formula. (John 10:27), Your steps are ordered by God. You also need to tell them how to do it. We became aware of what we spoke (or thought) Next, we asked ourselves if those words/thoughts lined up with what the Lord would say about the person or situation. [Is 54:13] My children grow in wisdom and stature and have favor with God and man. Here are 10 things to say and not say to your child. 3. It has taken me 14 months to arrive at this mindset and I thank God and my friends for their kind words and support advising me to forgive, forget and move on. Get behind me satan!” (Of course not referring to your child as satan but to the one who brought up the lie). Our child's DESTINY is in our MOUTH! They usually will be. Psalm 139: 13-14 (NLT). And the more we do it, not only are our prayers heard by God, but our kids hear them, as well. Don't worry that you didn't explain the death adequately the first time — your child's ongoing questions are normal. Here are just a few of the things that the Bible has to say about our words: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.”, “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”, “A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.”, “So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. You find that your baby's pain feels much worse than your own. I’ve written out 7 powerful scriptures to speak over your children. Here you will find a printable list of prophetic decrees for each month to speak and declare blessings over your life, your family, your workplace, and your world. We can use them to bring blessings and life or curses and death. One of the most important things we can do as Christian moms is be intentional about speaking life over our kids. And the more they are fed a steady diet of God’s promises and truths in their lives, the more they will be implanted in their hearts. **Download the daily prayers to pray over your children at the end of this post! They may not all be true right now, but as you continue to speak them, they will become a reality. SPEAK THE WORD OF GOD OVER YOUR CHILDREN By Bruce Edwards. But, I still choose to speak positive affirmations over Riley. Read over these declarations every day. Apr 17, 2019 - Use scripture to pray over your child. Secondly, I incorporate scripture and biblical principles. Your support means the world to your child, so if he tells you he wants to be a supermodel when he grows up, you’ve got to choose your response wisely. decisions on your behalf — including decisions about treatments, procedures, even life support. Here are 10 powerful phrases to speak blessings over your kids on a daily basis. #scripture #christianmom #parenting #momlife #faithbased #faith #proverbs31. She's also likely to come up with new questions as her awareness of death and her cognitive skills grow, grief counselors say. Adult Children and Addiction. It’s not enough to tell a child that they can own a franchise of daycare centers. Don’t curse your children by speaking negative words over them. You have victory in every area of your life. The Speaking Life Children’s book is: 1. and knit me together in my mother’s womb. May you have peace all of your days.” Numbers 6:24-26 “May the Lord keep you from all harm as you trust in Him. Of all the things my mama’s voice could be saying in my head, “never leave your home untidy” is a pretty good one. 8. Likewise, harsh or critical words may deeply wound this child. and he has done great things for me. Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. Proverbs 18:21 says, “death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.” In other words we will “eat” – experience the words we speak. Put actions behind your faith, and one day you will see it become a reality.”. What a responsibility! "I noticed ... (you got your homework done, you have a new friend). 15:3). In doing this, you are not only starting over, but you are teaching your kids to do the same thing when they fall into the same trap. If a child has been told their entire life they are bad…then guess what? Every day is a surprise. Retrouvez Speaking Life Over Our Children One Letter at a Time et des millions de livres en stock sur Raising godly children is an honor, and an effort. ♡Prepare for the love of your life. Being a proxy is not for everyone. Lewis Quotes to Recharge Your Faith Today, Dear Women’s Ministry, Stop Calling Me Beautiful, “She Said They Become ‘The Pet of The School.’ The Life I Had Imagined Crashed Before Me & Fell to Pieces.”, If I Have Gay Children: 4 Promises From a Christian Pastor & Parent. SPEAK LIFE. Your words can set your child's identity and future. We can actually learn how to speak life into the lives of people that we love in such a way that it really encourages and changes them. As we speak these words over our children we pray they will be hidden in their hearts. Unsure of where to start or what to say? What blessing do you speak over your child? I confess that my children are taught of the Lord and great is their peace and undisturbed composure. I was the only parent who responded in a positive way. 5. Speaking life isn’t just encouragement, it’s empowerment. Sow this in your heart and believe this in your heart. He spoke life-giving words to the people at the church in Thessalonica, one of the great political and economic crossroads of the Roman Empire. Remember, kids do what you do before they will ever do what you say. Personal life. You may be estranged because one, the other, or both of you do not approve of the other’s life choices. Speaking Life. 7. Don't be over-protective of your child. (Ephesians 2:10), God has a special plan for your life. If the person cannot speak or is having a hard time breathing, you need to act fast to help the person. Your heart breaks much more easily. I am prosperous. Is it possible to over-encourage your child? 10 Things Your Adult Children Need to Hear from You, 12 Scriptural Truths to Speak Life Over Your Children. God’s Word tells us over and over again that our words have incredible power. Speak Life Download – Wrong Places Wrong Things . 3. Our words are important they have tremendous power. I am posting the entire list of 31 declarations to speak over your life each day, from the book I Declare – 31 Declarations To Speak Over Your Life, by Joel Osteen. You were lovingly and intentionally created by God. 10 Verses to Speak Life Over Your Child. 12. PERSONAL Having both your child’s name & photos in it . Our mission is to inspire & help you speak life over your children. Why is it so important that we put thought and effort into the things we speak over our children? Download books & courses from Queens of Virtue at ♡Be a cheerful giver. We can either speak words that bring life or words that bring … You will probably find many kinds of e-book along with other literatures from your paperwork data bank. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire!”, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.”, “Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.”. Get them down in your spirit. You can perform abdominal thrusts, back blows, or both. "I love you." 9. Acts 2:38-39: “Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. It was probably one of the most challenging places for a new Christian to live. Ask forgiveness from God and your children for the words you have spoken over them. Here are a few ways to speak life into their lives: 1. View Post. So, chin up, don't waste the rest of your life mulling over an ungrateful child. May his face shine upon your face. Personal life. Take responsibility for your own life; let your adult kid do their thing. Speak words filled with faith, grace and life. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that “the tongue has the power of life and death.” As parents, we have the power to speak life into our children. (Psalm 37:23), God is always with you. Speak this out of your mouth. Scripture: But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Parent’s powerful words; 5 ways to speak life to your kids. Shockingly, we began to see how often we spoke the complete opposite of … My answer was yes that she would be just fine on stage without me. over your children (or to speak over YOURSELF for that matter) that is suited to what you hope for them to become in Christ. Each child is different, so make sure you adjust it according to their needs. (Romans 8:17), You are special and unique. Your proxy may have to make tough, quick . May He watch over your life, your coming and your going, both now and forevermore.” Psalm 121:7-8 “May God make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8. Things your adult children need to hear our latest news were lovingly and intentionally created God..., both now and then but who CARES by Jess the WebGirl August 23 2017... Best things you can perform abdominal thrusts ( Heimlich maneuver ): Stand behind the person and your! 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