When I was making this list, I knew that there would be nothing else in the number one slot. Ever. Alright, I finally sat down and did it. One Pump Chump You may opt-out by. We have a lot of new interesting weapons, but also plenty of Guns that you might be familiar with if you have played Borderlands and Borderlands 2. But now I always keep one on me to wipe out annoying Anointed enemies as it murders them with 3x the efficiency as anything else. A list that I’m sure many will disagree with, given that I may have left out your favorite, but I’m doing my best here. Check Out the Best Legendary Weapons List About Weapons In Borderlands 3 Main Damage Dealers In Borderlands 3 Author: Mr Toffee Published Date: January 8, 2021 Leave a Comment on The Best Legendary Weapons & Guns Of Borderlands 3 2020 is over, but Borderlands 3 still lives on. All of these guns are random drops from anywhere except for One-Pump and King’s/Queen’s Call. The Best Weapons in Borderlands 3. Learn how to farm for Legendary Weapons in Borderlands 3 as quickly, and easily as possible. All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. News and opinion about video games, television, movies and the internet. Even though they drop from specific bosses, they are not a 100% drop chance. Maybe rating it this high is a stretch for some, but I’m telling you, for whatever reason, this thing has just been monstrous for me. This freaking gun man. Best guns and Legendary weapons in Borderlands 3. Spectacle-ular. The 138 Borderlands 3 Legendary weapons on offer are, quite literally, spectacular. Recommended Early Game Legendary Weapons. The best aspect of it though is that whenever players score a hit they are granted a 1% increase to damage which continues to stack until the player misses. The Prompt Critical is a Torgue Pistol that could just be the next Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold for Borderlands 3. Personally, I have had a lot of fun with Arms Race, you can read all about it in my review. The best way to get the best loot is by using Loot Tinks in Borderlands 3. Best Arms Race Legendary Weapons One Pump Chump A Jakobs shotgun … Borderlands 3 Best Legendary Guns Tier List Legendary Shotgun: Flakker. It’s impossible for us to definitively rank the best guns in Borderlands 3, so if you find a weapon we didn’t mention that you like, use it. Reloading the weapon also triggers a Nova of whichever element the pistol is. In addition to that, the damage is generally very high, meaning you can melt down an enemy’s shield and then the Shock damage can still finish them off. Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Most of the guns in the game are procedurally generated but that is not the case for Legendary weapons in Borderlands 3. Its one disadvantage is its range, meaning you have to be up close and personal for it to do its work, but it absolutely melts when you’re in range and is a monster for burning through pretty much anything on any difficulty. Gunerang: Legendary Tediore Give it a burl. Which Legendary Weapons Should You Farm First? I write about video games, television, movies and the internet. They’re a spectacle. Borderlands 3 is loaded with legendary loot. The thing is great on almost all classes and a real blast to use, no pun intended. So if you want to bring your new build to the max, that’s where you should be farming. Here are our picks for the 10 best weapons in Borderlands 3, plus where to find them. Your time has come.” +57% Weapon Damage +10% Critical Hit Damage +35% Reload Speed; Consumes 2 ammo per shot I still don’t know if there’s any actual difference between them. Borderlands 3 - Top 10 BEST Legendary Weapons IN THE GAME PART 2! © 2021 Forbes Media LLC. This is a great gun for any class and I have used it more than any other AR since I got it. A gun that’s amazing for FL4K’s Fade Away crit build might not be good for an Amara elemental build, obviously, so context counts. Get to farming, and let me know your favorites that I may have missed that I should give a chance to. Always incendiary and shock. I freaking love this gun. I haven’t used every single legendary in Borderlands 3 yet, but I’m certainly close, and there are ten I think stand out above most of the others. Mayhem 10 continues to perplex players as they try to figure out ways to both survive it and do enough damage to take down 12,500% health boosted enemies. With 100+ hours of Borderlands 3 playtime and hundreds of legendary drops, I’m finally comfortable making this list. Cloud Kill is a legendary submachine with serious bite, and a returning weapon from Borderlands 2, complete with its high fire-rate but now upgraded … Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Borderlands 3. (Update: I am knocking this down from #2 to #5 after recent nerfs literally an hour after I published this that reduce fire rate, and reduce damage for Jakobs revolvers). In this video I count down the Top 10 Legendary Weapons in Borderlands 3, these are the Best Guns in the Entire Game that every elite vault hunter has to have. This shotgun is a rare drop from a specific boss (a special psycho in Lectra City), and it has a single shot that does just massive damage to the point where you can create a number of very cool one-shot builds with it. Early Game in Borderlands 3 is more or less from Level 1 - 20 in Normal Game Mode. This weapon deals great damage and its legendary effect has a very large splash radius, making the Prompt Critical an excellent mobbing weapon. Gearbox. These only drop from the final boss of the game, but I’ve found them pretty easy to farm with just a few kills each. This SMG is not an SMG at all, but a short range flamethrower that when throw, creates other, smaller short range flamethrowers. Legendary Weapons have the lowest drop chance out of all the rarities. (Part 1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbwXMKvwUhwMy twitter https://twitter.com/TwoDynamicHDGoogle https://plus.google.com/+TwoDynamicHDVideos FeaturedBorderlands 3 - Top 5 BEST Legendary Weapon Farming Locations AFTER PATCH!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GODf1-VmwboBorderlands 3 - Top 10 Best Legendary Weapon Locations YOU NEED TO GO TO!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9SUCvWEfCEBorderlands 3 - Top 10 Legendary Weapons THAT DROP FROM RARE ENEMIES!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vX4Xw57cuYThis Borderlands 3 video breakdown of the Borderlands 3 - Top 10 BEST Legendary Weapons IN THE GAME!, borderlands 3 Legendary Weapons, new loot, Skill Trees \u0026 More. Another Jakobs weapon, this one attacks sticky rounds to enemies that do pretty massive damage, and the split shots of Jakobs crits means you can cover an entire room in stick bombs with some accurate shots (or a FL4K crit frezy). Become the most dangerous Vault Hunter in the galaxy by collecting some of the best guns in the game. Where to find every legendary weapon/shield/class mod in Borderlands 3! With 100+ hours of Borderlands 3 playtime and hundreds of legendary drops, I’m finally comfortable making this list. These weapons are unique and carefully designed. The ultimate boss burning weapon in the game, this set of Jakobs revolvers essentially do the same thing, send loads of elemental rounds screaming at an enemy on crits, and the thing just eats through bosses. Sometimes, these legendary … Introduction. Strong and extremely rare. It’s not my favorite shotgun (as you’ll see), but I think it’s earned this final spot here by a nose. 3 The Scourge - Legendary Torque Launcher Borderlands 3 Best Legendary Weapons “So, my demons. It shoots several projectiles at once that ricochet off surfaces, damaging everything on their way. This thing is a Vladof, fully automatic sniper rifle that may not be great for moment to moment combat, but it is without question one of the best boss burners in the game when it empties that clip directly into a crit spot. The Designer’s Cut is going to be released on November 10th, 2020. Before getting to the best weapons in Borderlands 3, you need to understand how weapons are generated in the game.If you’re unaware, the vast majority of weapons in Borderlands 3 are procedurally generated, just like previous games.When you ravage loot chests or blow enemies to bits, you can find something great. With this knowledge, you will be able to farm them and give yourself an advantage against enemies later in the game! The 10 below are just our favorites. 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There is a high probability of them to drop a rare to legendary weapon when compared to other enemies who drop loot. After 5 major DLC expansions, with more on the way thanks to the Season 2 pass, B orderlands 3 is still up and running. Alright, I finally sat down and did it. Borderlands 3 has over 1 billion guns, and finding the best can be tough. Read my new sci-fi thriller novel Herokiller, available now in print and online. The bad news is, it’s not always as easy as that, but we’ve created a list of the best legendary weapons in Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3's Best Legendary, Rare, Very Rare Guns: All The Fun Weapons We've Found So Far By Aaron Sampson , Matt Espineli , Jean-Luc Seipke , … While I … I also wrote The Earthborn Trilogy. Borderlands 3. RELATED: Borderlands 2: The 10 Best Legendary Weapons, Ranked This makes CoV guns perfect for when you run out of ammunition on more powerful weapon types like rocket launchers. One of the most common manufacturers is the Children of the Vault. Included in the Borderlands 3 Deluxe Edition and Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition. Borderlands 3 introduced a new and upgraded Weapon system which made things more interesting than in any previous game from the series. Next: All Gehanna Red Chest Locations in Borderlands 3. It’s essentially like firing two guns at the same time, as thanks to Torgue ingenuity, you are firing both a medium range elemental laser stream and also a bunch of explosive rounds at the same time. Therefore, the guide to the best and legendary Borderlands 3 weapons we have found so far is to help you make a headstart on the game once it releases in September, 2019, with all the information any Vault Hunter needs on each weapon’s stats, perks, and appearance, in addition to how you can get them. The Torgue shotgun creates an absolutely massive explosion in the near vicinity of where you fire it, often one-shotting enemies in any Mayhem difficulty. A legendary primer I am going to rank these in rough order, but it’s also kind of hard because some guns are better for one class over another. This is a Jakobs elemental assault rifle that I think does a hell of a good job of mob clearing. Learn about the most useful weapons in the game! These are the best farming spots. Borderlands 3 is a looter-shooter. Borderlands 3 has a ton of legendary weapons, shields, grenade mods, artifacts, and class mods that players can farm throughout the game. RELATED: Borderlands 3: 10 Tips For Leveling Fast. I use it as my FL4K crit build non-boss killer when I’m just playing normally, because crits refund two shots to the magazine and split out two shots to enemies. World drop Hellshock: Legendary Maliwan I had not thought death had undone so many. While every other weapon in Borderlands 3 is procedurally generated and extremely variable, the uber-rare gold Legendary weapons have been carefully crafted to offer a completely new (and often very bizarre) experience with each one. I show you what they do, who drops them and give you tips on how to make them more powerful. This double barrel shotgun is, yet again, another Jakobs, and weirdly, every single time I see this drop, it’s anointed, usually with the same perk increasing its elemental chance. This thing is an absolute destroyer of worlds. An elemental build for Amara is probably the best way to utilize this weapon to its full potential. Borderlands 3 Legendary Torgue Pistol – Prompt Critical. Update: 26/03/2020 34 new unique items from Guns, Love, and Tentacles added! I love it. I prefer it to One-Pump, personally, but it still pales to a gun that will show up later on this list. Or again, with FL4K, of course. Borderlands 3 - Top 10 BEST Legendary Weapons IN THE GAME PART 2!Click here to subscribe : http://goo.gl/2hcci1Borderlands 3 - Top 10 BEST Legendary Weapons IN THE GAME! Gearbox. Oh and you can nuke most bosses with it too, because why not. from guns to grenades, there's something for everyone in Borderlands 3.Each weapon has a manufacturer and each manufacturer adds different and unique abilities to their weapons. Borderlands 3: 10 Best Legendary Weapons Added In DLC. Borderlands 3 features countless different Legendary Weapons that go above and beyond normal weapons with new styles, skins, and hidden effects. It got to the point where this gun is so good on so many classes I actually stopped using it because it just wasn’t fun to only use it. The legendary class mods for the new skill trees drop in Arms Race. This Stranger Things themed SMG is one I honestly don’t even fully understand. As such, you can send elemental rounds flying to an entire room without having to reload for a good long while. It just does so much damage, especially in burst fire mode, that it outclasses almost everything else in the game I use. Borderlands 3 has all of the guns in the world, but which are the best Legendary guns added … I think its perk is supposed to be that it does more damage at night, but really, it just does insane damage whenever I use it. When thrown, the discarded weapon returns to the character and explodes. If you do fire the gun too long, it will overheat and need to be repaired or cooled off. ill be covering more stuff like legendary weapons, secrets, loot, top 10's and more when it releases so be sure to subscribe. It also has the potential to not use up the shot you fire, meaning it’s often far more than just one shot. Flakker might have the most absurd damage rating of any gun in Borderlands. 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borderlands 3 best legendary weapons 2021