Thomas Moore helped me understand that we use ritual and ceremony all the time and that it has value in deepening our experience of life and events. The four directions, also referred to as the four winds, considered to be the embodiment of our bodies (north), feelings (west), mind, (east) and spirit (south). Aztec sacrifice rituals ( public domain ) The Japanese had yin-yang priests called onmyouji, who practiced a vast number of magic rituals based on Feng Shui techniques borrowed from China. They can be used to promote prosperity, efficiency, and good management. They can be used to prepare the land for use, to clear out unwanted energies in existing buildings, to bless or consecrate land or buildings for a particular purpose, and even to help with serious problems such as illness or misfortune. Others don’t feel they are ready to go until they first have their cup of coffee or tea in the morning. Commercial Dedications are procedures that are designed to maximize opportunity in the business environment. As such they act as holograms of the larger reality of which we are part. Typically they are concerned with the physical and spiritual well being of the group and can manifest as rituals to promote fertility, prosperity, or health. These happen at an organizational level and can happen every quarter. Sooth Saying-Puff Adder In Mouth. Rituals helps you slow down, and to find happiness in the smallest of things. Where or when do you judge and diminish the practice of ritual and ceremony in your mind? This ritual is useful when long-standing blocks make it difficult to make changes in our lives, and when it seems that no matter how hard we try, results do not come our way. Burning Your Worries Away. Ordinary family rituals are often given added meaning by overlaying them with forms of religious ritual, so placing the large and small events of life within a cosmic framework. Rituals and Ceremonies are two words that are often confused when it comes to the understanding of their meanings and connotations. I didn’t see any value in the ceremonies they did. This is the major difference between the two words. WHAT ARE YOU SEARCHING FOR? These are meant to propitiate the successful outcome of a healing process. Stemming from a desire to connect with the unseen powers of the Cosmos, the shamanic initiate is encouraged to develop relationships with the purveyors of such power. The value of rituals for us today lies in their inherent ability to facilitate action. It is said that our soul can become fragmented by trauma, as portions of our soul or psyche choose to become detached from us rather than suffer. The cradle ceremony takes place four days after birth. Herein lies one of the great mysteries of ritual, in that the initial structure set forth to invoke the ritual must perforce be abandoned in the process of receiving the blessings requested. When I didn’t understand them they seemed to take on a mystery that fed fear and superstitions beliefs. At this point priests and heirophants stepped forth to reenact the performances, dances and songs which the cosmic forces bestowed upon the initial shamanic seer. You’ll have no idea the power of ceremony if this is your only experience. After the game competitors shake hands in a ritual of respect. They are also useful in situations where financial or commercial fortunes are compromised. 2. Spells and Ceremonies 101 Spells and other magic rituals are techniques for focusing your power, will, energy and spirit to create a specific outcome. All of these ceremonies and rituals add richness, depth, emotion, meaning, and order to our lives and relationships. Consider that by reclaiming power over the lexicon of ritual and ceremony that you are claiming power over areas of your life that you have previously dismissed as hokey or ceded to the realm of superstition. We offer a wide variety of rituals that can be tailored to the specific circumstances encountered by the client. In time, through ritual use, altars become imbued with the powers invoked into them, and begin to take a life of their own. Burning Man is an "experiment in community, radical self-expression, and radical self-reliance". Somewhere the terms ceremony and ritual have been left out of our cultural lexicon. Earth Healing Ceremonies are procedures that attempt to correct Geopathic stress and other disturbed Earth energies. Closing Our patterns of fears and false beliefs were created because we put some amount of attention and intent into building them. There are rituals we do all around us that help us get centered in an emotional state and focused. Ceremonies in church seemed empty of value and meaning. Such rituals are seen not in isolation, but as part of larger social mechanisms which include the ancestors and the future generations. Once the ritual is done, it is essential to close the ritual process as well as the ritual space. Ceremonies were used to help groups of people return to harmony; but, large ceremonies were generally not used for individual healing. Holidays and celebrations are filled with rituals that deepen our connection to emotion, and to each other. Once purification has taken place, the next step involves the invocation of the powers being petitioned. Increasingly these sacred precincts have come under attack by secular forces that are ignorant of the potential of these sites to foster planetary well-being. The ceremony therefore seemed empty and rote. It is axiomatic among spiritual practitioners that rituals performed for selfish purposes tend to backlash, hurting not only the client but also the practitioner. The short answer is because it works. Here again, the genius locii plays an important role. This ceremony is believed to ward off evil influences. Shop Now. Our patterns of fears and false beliefs were created because we put some amount of attention and intent into building them. By distancing myself church ceremony I somehow distanced myself from all ritual and ceremony. When I started reading books on personal growth I was hesitant about ceremony and ritual. One ritual that remains dear to Indigenous people of many nations is the ritual of “smudging.” Herbs like sage are burnt and placed in a smudge bowl. Specific sacred elements such as trees, wells, rocks, road crossings, temples. Prosperity Rituals Earth spirit rituals are ubiquitous around the planet to this day and stem from this idea. How do you use it to change focus your attention, your emotional state, ground yourself into a centered feeling, or change the direction of your life? The Sky, recognized as the source of inspiration and creation. Brushing my teeth is a personal ritual of cleansing. You can make tea in a stressed out way with fears of judgment that your guests won’t like it. I didn’t understand the meaning of all the symbols and I didn’t connect with the meanings I did understand. Rituals help people connect to themselves, their chosen communities, and their Gods. Shop Now . Building rituals and ceremonies are among the more interesting contributions of feng shui and geomancy to our building practices. Anniversary parties are for fun and to celebrate love. First, rituals are symbolic. It is clear from the above that rituals are primarily collective endeavors. This … Doing rituals and ceremonies is always much more powerful than watching or thinking about them. In the study of this behaviour, the terms sacred (the transcendent realm) and profane (the realm of time, space, and cause and effect) have remained useful in distinguishing ritual behaviour from other types of action. Earth Healing Ceremonies By Alex Stark. The forces of the sacred rivers, lakes and springs. Often other, unseeked forces will join in as well. Cultures differ in the creation, design and complexity of the ritual space. Being skeptical doesn’t mean cynical, or to doubt everything. The healing space itself can also be cleared and blessed. Once identified, these locations then become the sites for pilgrimages and visionary quests. 3. Geopathic Stress is a form of noxious energy in the Earth which has been implicated in myriad inconveniences, from recurring accidents and minor mishaps to serious problems such as cancer, immune disorders, crib death, infertility, and many more. I was trained to do the experiment or run the calculation myself and not just take someone else’s answer as good enough. It is better to dismantle or de-consecrate the space if it is to remain fallow. For me, the resistance to appreciating and utilizing ritual and ceremony grew as I distanced myself from the religion I grew up with. Ritual is natural to human beings and plays an essential role in building personal and cultural identity. These are meant to help those couples who have had difficulty conceiving. These are propitiatory procedures that can help to increase income, help with career, and help resolve legal or emotional entanglements with money. The real essence is the attention and intent you put behind it. Creating an altar at home must therefore follow the above guidelines. Although rituals vary greatly in form and content, there are basic patterns which most rituals need to follow. The term ritual and ceremonies have somehow unconsciously been relegated to realms of the religious or superstition. These ceremonies are also useful because they tend to improve the outcome of construction, helping to insure timely schedules, safety to workmen, and successful lives for those living or using the site. It needs to be remembered, however, that what creates the sacredness is not the physical configuration of the site, but the fact that it is imbued with power. These forces are traditionally identified with Nature and its phenomena, although unseen forces behind these obvious telluric, biological, and geological events are also included. However, as part of my professional practice I offer the following rituals: Social practices, rituals and festive events are habitual activities that structure the lives of communities and groups and that are shared by and relevant to many of their members. In a wedding you direct that intent to make commitment to love and respect. As with all ritual spaces, an altar needs to be used to be effective, and it is better to store its components than to leave it unattended for prolonged periods of time. Rituals and ceremonies can also be used to correct more serious problems such as geopathic stresses (negative energies in the land), unwanted legacies in existing buildings (negative predecessor energy), financial misfortune, poor health, bad neighborhood energy, and even ghosts and hauntings. Do you have rituals like brushing your teeth, morning coffee, or physical exercise that help center you? Special ceremonies like graduations, weddings, and baby dedications involve traditions and rituals that help us mark important milestones in life. Rituals are the language of the sacred. The Earth itself, recognized as the source of physical health and well being. Specific sacred elements such as trees, wells, rocks, road crossings, temples The following are general steps which most rituals will conform to. Blessings bring specific powers and consequently, specific influences into our spaces. These four elements are also related to the four directions and the four aspects of human nature (body, feeling, mind, and spirit). Use of these parameters provides a safe way to forestall any potentially negative consequences and to promote long-term success for the individuals or institutions involved. Diagnosis involves dowsing and the procedure itself can take hours or even days. HOME GOODS. Purification Space Clearing Rituals This is achieved by including within them the four basic building blocks of the universe: earth, water, fire, and air. Every month had at least one major religious ceremony honoring a god or gods. We have to try new things to see what will work and what won’t. Walking doesn’t look like much, but when done in a funeral procession it can be reflective, mourning, releasing, and put us in touch with a very precious commodity of life so that we can then further appreciate the time we have and not waste it. On the one hand they act as broadcasters of our desires and intentions, and in return, they bring to us the influence and power of the sacred. Done in this way it is a ritual of ceremony. Preparations for rituals can be extensive. Invocation Teams can have rituals to bond with each other, to stay in the loop and to building a sense community. They also afford family and friends to engage in practices that will help them to detach from that relationship emotionally and move on with their life. For some practical steps to change, and build some faith in what I’m talking about, start with the Free Self Mastery Sessions. Stagnant energy is often implicated in failure to thrive, lack of success, ill health, or bad luck, and may involve predecessor influences (bad luck inherited from the previous tenant or owner). There might also be a Christening or Baptism as an intent for a young person’s well being in life. Fortunately, early in my personal process of change I was reading Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore and he helped clear up some of my misunderstandings, fears, and resistance. The genius locii (the spirit of a place), for example, is often described not only as the place itself, but also as the unseen forces behind it that animate it and which make its vitality possible. Ceremony can be anything. SELF CARE. We customarily wish people happiness and sing them a song together. To take out those screws and nails holding beliefs together requires a force as well. Our ancestors, understood not only as our biological links to the past, but also as the generators of wisdom and lineage. Recently sociologists have broadened the notion of ritual to include the patterned interactions of everyday life, such as etiquette and ordinary daily performances. Why do I use ceremony and ritual in my process and at my events? Commercial Dedication Ceremonies These vary greatly with culture, but in general the main forces beseeched include: This happens because the functionality/content marked as “Facebook Pixel [noscript]” uses cookies that you choosed to keep disabled. We may not think of these everyday activities as rituals or ceremonies. When I first put on the uniform I was taught that it was a big deal. Often it is enough to allow their power to enter our bodies, filling us with strength and blessings. There are initiation rituals and ceremonies to commemorate a member’s advancement to … Non-physical entities such as nature spirits, faeries, angels, etc. Christianity Ritual, Worship, Devotion, Symbolism. Soul Retrieval In the Zulu community in South Africa, a traditional healer locally … The ceremonies involves the baby being marked with pollen, preparing the cradleboard, and placing the baby in the cradleboard. If I don’t brush my teeth before bed I don’t feel like things are in order. Our intentions become like lasers, the Batman signal for our dreams to land. Because of this, many clients choose to open them up to their clients, friends, and the press, as they can make excellent public relations events. Masonic ritual has appeared in a number of contexts within literature including in "The Man Who Would Be King", by Rudyard Kipling, and War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy 2. Altars are specialized devices which act as two-way conduits between the realms of the sacred and the profane. In doing so we may not be as conscious of the value they serve. An action or activity can be practical and still have a ritualistic emotional feeling or centering aspect to it. Rituals. The Grishneshwar Temple in Indian state of Maharashtra is the site of a very unusual – and potentially dangerous – religious ritual. The forces of the mountains, valleys and other sacred land formations (the genius locii). I shed my personal life attachments and commitments, and embraced a serious commitment to service. RITUALS + CEREMONY Home Goods And Lifestyle Store. Many Roman Catholics follow the weekly rites of confession followed by Sunday Mass, which includes Liturgy of the Eucharist. Our ancestors, understood not only as our biological links to the past, but also as the generators of wisdom and lineage. The essential part of a ceremony or ritual is the concentration of intent and attention that you put to work on beliefs, emotions, and feelings. Scroll. (Ritual: Power, Healing and Community, 1993), In fact, rituals work because at a certain point in their performance, the forces of the spirit world take over and become participants in the healing or propitiatory process. As Malidoma Some has aptly stated, at the beginning we control the ritual; later, the ritual controls us. But that answer wouldn’t have sufficed for me when I started this inner work. Although it is possible to access the world of Spirit through Nature and through personal spiritual practice, rituals afford the best opportunity to work with and on behalf of community and self. The forces of the mountains, valleys and other sacred land formations (the genius locii). When a loved one dies, rituals and traditions can also help us mark a significant event and spend time remembering and finding healing. Wearing the uniform made many things about my personality and expressions change such as showing affection, my posture in how I stood, sat, and how I spoke. Independence Day is a celebration of freedom. By the same token, it is considered detrimental to create or consecrate a ritual space such as an altar if it is not to be used. Other spiritual teachers, including saints, gurus, and elders. In later times, the direct vision of these spiritual forces became codified into set patterns of behavior which referred to those original visionary milestones. It is also axiomatic that once received, the requested gifts will be granted immediately, although often with a normal delay between the timing of sacred reality and the time of ordinary life. Do you have certain holiday foods, songs, activities, or decorations that give you a sense of purpose and connection? The forces of the sacred rivers, lakes and springs. Ceremonies. Rituals are a feature of all known human societies. Most of these ceremonies were related to the agricultural season, … Purification can take many forms, from simple cleansing of the physical body in baths or ablutions, cleansing of the space with incense or sound, to complex meditation practices designed to cleanse the more subtle levels of consciousness. The music invites us to connect with our country men and women in a unified way. Enabling these cookies, you help us to offer you a better experience. Once purified, the ritual space is often kept so by separating it from the community through ritual gates, paths, walls or other screening devices. Because an altar is not an aesthetic object, it is not important to make it lavish or expensive. … Space clearings, for example, are important rituals that should be carried out during and after construction, before occupancy in new spaces, and periodically as part of regular maintenance. Often quite aesthetically beautiful, Blessings are often performed in public and can involve friends, the press, or other such gatherings. GOOD READS. Funerals are our ceremony to honor and pay respects to the departed. Blessings Many of the most vivid images of the game come from Maya artifacts. At other times you can use that intent to release agreements, beliefs, or commitments that you previously created. Again, these symbols differ from culture to culture, but they can include such items as food, cash, or objects specially made to thank and honor the spirit world. It looked like hokey stuff to me. As the name suggests, babies between the ages of one and two are thrown from a 50-foot tower, with men positioned beneath to catch the babies on sheets. In general, rituals are keyed to the cycles of nature, the rotations of the sun and moon, the seasons, or other celestial events. Masonic symbolism is that which is used to illustrate the principles which Freemasonry espouses. Cremating symbolizes finality: there is no going back! The essential part of a ceremony or ritual is the concentration of intent and attention that you put to work on beliefs, emotions, and feelings. Even when performed for individual clients or petitioners, rituals must invoke the collective good in order to be of use. A number of rituals for the infant include the first visit outside to a temple, the first feeding with solid food (usually cooked rice), an ear-piercing ceremony, and the first haircut (shaving the head) that often occurs at a temple or during a festival when the cut hair is offered to a deity. NEW YORK | SAN FRANCISCO | LOS ANGELES | LONDON. In all cases rituals can be joyful events and are often accompanied by great beauty and lavish offerings. Rituals do not alter reality or circumstances as change is always irreversible. Traditionally, a yule log is hoisted in the fireplace to illuminate and … Failure to do so is dangerous, as it leaves open a channel for opportunistic forces to invade the safety of our ordinary world. In doing so we may have lost some of the importance we use them for in engaging our attention, intent, and connecting with others. CUrATED GOODS for YOU AND YOUr SACRED SPACE. The history of rituals is as old as mankind, and there is ample archeological evidence of sophisticated ritual processes already in place in very early human history. At a sporting event we play or sing the national anthem. Learn about covens and degree systems, initiation, Sabbat and Esbat rites, and other milestones such as handfastings, birth, and death. ALTARS 3. Then to dismantle them also requires a similar amount of attention and intent. Not Feeling Heard Is Anyone Listening To Me? These rituals serve a purpose for those still living. It behooves us to work toward their protection. Light a Giant Log In the Fireplace. In the separation I lost some connectedness with others and a deeper connection with life. Even in professional engineering and science work you check other people’s work and have other people check your process and calculation to ensure it doesn’t have mistakes. Where is there ceremony and ritual in your life? Other spiritual teachers, including saints, gurus, and elders. Rituals and ceremonies are social events which are believed to have the power to effect meaningful transformations (e.g. These happen at the team-level and can be practiced weekly or monthly. click here to open your cookie preferences, Emotional Safety and Security in Relationships. Or, you can make and serve tea with a focused attention and presence that changes the mood in the room. As you let go of items of your past you are freer with your attention to live in the moment. Receiving What ones do you want to create that would make your life and relationships richer? We use birthdays to celebrate life and longevity. You can clean out your garage or a closet as a grudging bit of work, or you can direct your attention to see it as a cleansing of your past and baggage. In order to view this content or use this functionality, please enable cookies: click here to open your cookie preferences. I hope people are skeptical and so that short answer shouldn’t suffice for you either. The Sky, recognized as the source of inspiration and creation. Doing so will carry you a few steps further on your pathway to happiness. Hence it is useful to bring into the altar objects which are representative of our gratitude for the gifts bestowed upon us by life. Anniversary parties are for fun and to celebrate love often other, unseeked forces will in... To ward off evil influences take care of one another be of use driven in a! You put behind it is often a significant event and spend time remembering and finding healing the sites pilgrimages... Those beliefs itself, recognized as the generators of wisdom and lineage to prosperity! To service and order to view this content or use this functionality, please enable:! To illustrate the principles which Freemasonry espouses be reached or moved to group of actions for. 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