The last psalm in the Bible, Psalm 150, ends with this invitation: “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. 97-7734, Published by CPH (2000) in Creative Hymn Accompaniments 97-6851, “Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior” (Lutheran Service Book, #640), Published by CPH (2016) in 24 Hymn Introductions for Reformation  97-7737, I Trust, O Christ, in You Alone (Lutheran Book of Worship, #395), AR HYD Y NOS                 Organ prelude. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! 2 and 4 for flute and SA voices, Descant for refrain and SAB setting of sts. Setting of sts. This program is voiced for SSAATTBB, soloists and piano, with optional scores included for organ, flute, oboe (or other treble C-instrument), and cello. O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation! 97-6012. 2 and 4 and descant for st. 5, GELOBET SEIST DU                 Organ prelude, Published by CPH (2012) in Carols for the Nativity  97-7448, GLORIA                 Hymn accompaniment, GOTT DER VATER, WOHN UNS BEI           “God, the Father, Be Our Stay”, Concertato for mixed choir, two treble instruments, cong, “Triune God, Oh, Be Our Stay” (concertato), SATB choir, two treble instruments, organ, congregation, Text: Martin Luther (Massie trans) (Lutheran Worship, #170), GOTTES SOHN IS KOMMEN                 Prelude for instrument and organ, Published by CPH in A Nativity Triptych  97-7332, GRACE CHURCH CANANOQUE                 Organ prelude, GRANTON                 Hymn introduction for flute and organ, “Amid the World’s Bleak Wilderness” (Lutheran Book of Worship, #378), GREENSLEEVES                 Organ prelude, HAF TRONES LAMP FÄRDIG                 Hymn introduction, HERZLICH LIEB                 Hymn introduction, HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN Hymn               accompaniment, “O Dearest Jesus, What Law Have You Broken?”, Instrumental accompaniment using recorder, treble voices, alto glockenspiel, and metallaphone, “O Jesus, King Most Wonderful” (Lutheran Book of Worship, #537), Accompaniment  “O Jesus, King Most Wonderful” LW 274, HOLY MANNA                 Hymn accompaniment [two settings], “God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens” (Lutheran Book of Worship, #463), “God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens”, “God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens” LBW 463, HOUSTON                 Hymn introduction, “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light” (With One Voice, #649), HYMN TO JOY                 Hymn accompaniment, “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” (Lutheran Book of Worship, #551), ICH WILL DICH LIEBEN                 Organ with treble voices, IN BABILONE                 SATB setting of stanza 2, “Son of God, Eternal Savior” (Lutheran Worship, #394), IN DICH HAB ICH GEHOFFET                 Descant for flute, violin, or oboe, IN DIR IST FREUDE                 Hymn accompaniment, “In Thee Is Gladness” (Lutheran Book of Worship, #552), IN DULCI JUBILO                 Organ prelude, “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing”, ISTE CONFESSOR                 Hymn introduction, IST GOT FÜR MICH                 Organ prelude, JAM LUCIS                 Hymn accompaniment, JEG ER SAA GLAD                 Introduction, JESAIA, DEM PROPHETEN                 Hymn introduction, JESUS CHRISTUS, UNSER HEILAND           Hymn introduction, [Parts for two Bb trumpets to go with this setting], JOYOUS LIGHT                 “When You Woke That Thursday Morning” (concertato) SATB choir, organ, flute, opt. desc), oboe, organ with opt. Come, all who hear; brothers and sisters, draw near, join me in glad adoration! Watch the Weekly Broadcast Live. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! All ye who hear, Now to His temple draw near; Sing now in glad adoration! D&C 25:12 Published by CPH (1998) in 6 Hymn Preludes, Set 6. (Partitas, preludes, hymn introductions, hymn accompaniments, descants, choral stanzas, concertatos, instrumental accompaniments), Published by CPH (2016) in 24 Hymn Introductions for Reformation. DISTRESS                 Hymn accompaniment, Hymn accompaniment for treble voices with oboe or violin descant, DIVINUM MYSTERIUM                 Hymn accompaniment, Setting of st. 5 for SA or TB or 2-pt mixed voices, Text: John Arthur   (Lutheran Book of Worship, #387), DONNE SECOURS                 Accompaniment, DOWN AMPNEY                 Organ prelude, DUNDEE                 Organ prelude and free accompaniment, EARTH AND ALL STARS                 Organ prelude, “Earth and All Stars” (Lutheran Worship, #438), Unpublished “Earth and All Stars”  LSB 817, Introduction for piano “Earth and All Stars”, EASTER HYMN                 Organ prelude and accompaniment, EBENEZER                 Hymn introduction, EIN FESTE BURG                 Organ prelude, Published by CPH (1998) in 6 Hymn Preludes, Set 6. Published later in 6 Hymn Preludes, Set 6. Commissioned by the Western Illinois Chapter, American Guild of Organists, for Dr. Anita Eggert Werling on the occasion of her retirement, and in recognition of her 40 years of teaching at WIU. History of Music & the Spoken Word. With a visit from our Bishop I put together this version of Lobe den Herren as an entrance hymn for the 5th Sunday of Lent. Published by CPH (1986)in 6 Hymn Preludes, Set 1. Published by CPH (1990) in 6 Hymn Preludes, Set 4. Website: \r\rHi-Fi Hymn Book provides FREE downloads of pipe organ recordings of Christian hymns and service music.\r\rWe hope you'll want to be a part of our ecumenical movement to make this music available to missionaries, smaller churches, military personnel in the field or just anyone who loves hymns by becoming a Hi-Fi Hymn Book supporter.\r\rTo DONATE by PayPal or credit card click on\r\u0026hosted_button_id=5934187\ror send a check or money order in US or Canadian funds to: \r\rHi-Fi Hymn Book\r63 McGarry Drive\rKitchener, Ontario\rCanada\rN2N 1A3\r\rThanks for your support!\r\rThe Hi-Fi Hymn Book Team\r\r______________________ Published by CPH (1990) in 6 Hymn Preludes, Set 4. Irons  (Lutheran Service Book, #671), Commissioned by St. John’s Lutheran Church, Arnold, MO to celebrate its 150th anniversary, MIT FRIED UND FREUD                 Organ prelude LW 185, MIT FREUDEN ZART                 Hymn introduction, NARODIL SE KRISTUS PÁN                 Organ prelude, NETTLETON                 Organ partita for manuals only, “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”  LBW 499, NEW BRITAIN                 Prelude and accompaniment, Published by AF (1990) in Hymn Preludes and Free Accompaniments 18    11-9414, NICAEA                 Prelude and accompaniment, NOËL NOUVELET                 Hymn introduction, NUN BITTEN WIR                 Hymn accompaniment, NUN DANKET ALL                 Organ prelude, Published by CPH in Song of the Gospel, volume 2   97-7200, Published by AF (1990) in Organ Preludes and Free Accompaniments 18 11-9414, NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT                 Hymn accompaniments [two settings], “Now Thank We All Our God” (Lutheran Worship, #443), NUN FREUT EUCH                 Organ prelude, Published by CPH (1986) in 6 Hymn Preludes, Set 2 and in Song of the Gospel, Vol. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, (Lobe Den Herren) - Quality music for congregational singing, prepared by church musicians. In hymnals it is paired with Joachim Neander’s text from 1680 most often translated to English as "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation." Past Episodes. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, (Lobe Den Herren) - Quality music for congregational singing, prepared by church musicians. O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation! 1 97-7202, NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND        Organ prelude, SA setting of stanzas 2 and 6; descant for st. 8, “Savior of the Nations, Come” (Lutheran Worship, #13). Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Hymn Tune Name: LOBE DEN HERREN. Published by CPH (1997) 97-6655 97-6012, Published by CPH (2016) in their Reformation Organ Preludes. Variety of musical styles. Published by CPH (1996) in 6 Hymn Preludes, Set 4. KING’S WESTON                 Hymn accompaniments (2 settings), KIRKEN DEN ER ET GAMMELT HUS Hymn              introduction, KOMM, GOTT SCHÖPFER                 “Creator Spirit, Heavenly Dove”, Concertato         for mixed choir or cantor, congregation, organ, and optional trumpet, Also utilizes the Sarum plainsong VENI, CREATOR SPIRITUS, KOMM, HEILIGER GEIST, HERRE GOTTHymn       introduction, KOMM, O KOMM, DU GEIST DES LEBENS              Prelude and free accompaniment, LAC QUI PARLE                 Introduction, “Forth in Your Name, O Lord, I Go” (Lutheran Worship, #380), Published by CPH (2014) in The Concordia Hymn Prelude Library 97-7459, LASSET UNS MIT JESU ZIEHEN                 Hymn accompaniment, LASST UNS ERFREUEN                 Hymn accompaniments (2 settings), “All Creatures of Our God and King” (Lutheran Worship, #436), “All Creatures of Our God and King”  LW 436, “All Creatures of Our God and King”  LBW 527, LAUDA ANIMA                 Hymn accompaniment, “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven” (Lutheran Service Book, #793), “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven”  LBW 549, “Greet the Rising Sun” (Hymnal Supplement, #902), Hymn accompaniment for organ with voice(s) or melody instrument, LEWIS-TOWN                 SATB choral setting, LINSTEAD                 Hymn accompaniment (2 settings), “Let Our Talents and Tongues Employ” (With One Voice, #754), LITTLE FLOCK                 Organ prelude (2 settings), LLEDROD                 Hymn accompaniment, LOBE DEN HERREN                 Organ prelude, Festival processional on “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”, Included in the Lutheran Collegiate Music Association Organ Anthology. 1 97-7202, Published by CPH (2016) in 24 Hymn Introductions for Reformation 97-7737, ENGELBERG                 Hymn introduction, ERHALT UNS, HERR                 Hymn introduction, Published by CPH (2016) in 24 Hymn Introduction for Reformation  97-7737, ES IST EIN ROS                 “Lo, How a Rose Is Growing”, ES IST DAS HEIL                 Hymn introduction, EVENTIDE                 Hymn accompaniment, Abide with Me (Lutheran Service Book, #878), FARLEY CASTLE                 Descant for oboe or violin, “Here, O My Lord, I See You Face to Face”, “Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to Face”, FOREST GREEN                 Hymn introduction, Introduction for organ with treble instrument playing melody, FORTUNATUS NEW                 SSATB setting of stanza 3, Sing, My Tongue  (Lutheran Book of Worship, #118), Written for Vistra, (1986) a worship periodical, Organ prelude for st. 3; interlude to st. 5, FOUNDATION                 Organ partita (7 variations), Intonation and 4 accompaniments plus an interlude and conclusion, Hymn accompaniment for treble instrument and organ, FREDERICKTOWN                 Hymn accompaniment (2 settings), Interlude and setting for organ & three trumpets, Setting of sts. Description. 1940) (Lutheran Service Book, #747), Originally for male chorus and viola or violin, Commissioned by the Concordia Seminary Chorus, Henry Gerike, director. Price New from Used from Paperback "Please retry" $13.99 . 1 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! VENI EMMANUEL                 Hymn introduction, “Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel” (Lutheran Worship, #31), VERLEIH UNS FRIEDEN                 Organ prelude, VESPER HYMN                 Hymn accompaniment, VOM HIMMEL HOCH                 Organ partita, Interpretation for handbells based on st. 5, VON GOTT WILL ICH NICHT LASSEN Hymn accompaniment, SA choral setting of st. 3; SATB setting of st. 5, “This Joyful Eastertide” (Lutheran Worship, #140), SATB choir, organ, trumpet, and congregation, Text: George R. Woodward (Lutheran Service Book, #482), Descant for two trumpets for refrain after st. 3, Published by CPH (1986) in the Concordia Hymn Prelude Series  97-5859, WAS FRAG ICH, NACH DER WELT Prelude and accompaniment, Published by AF in Hymn Preludes and Free Accompaniments 18, WER NUR DEN LIEBEN GOTT                 Hymn introduction, WESTMINSTER ABBEY                 Accompaniment, WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET                 Hymn introduction, “O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright”  LBW 76, “O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright”  LW 73, WIE SOLL ICH DICH EMPFANGEN Organ prelude, To be published by CPH (         ) in The Concordia Hymn Prelude Library 97-, WINCHESTER OLD                 Hymn accompaniment. Mount Olive Sings: Celebrating 50 years with the Schlicker Pipe Organ: 1966–2016 A collection of hymns sung by the Mount Olive community David Cherwien, Organist. Stream songs including "Praise to the Lord, The Almighty (arr. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (arr Harris) Music for Women, Submitted Music. Published by CPH (1986) 6 Hymn Preludes, Set 2. a)Treble voices  b) Bass voices  c) St. 5, Trumpet descant for LW 275 “Oh, Love, How Deep”, SATB setting of sts. tuba, opt. By continuing to browse this site you consent to the use of cookies. We use cookies to personalize content and to provide you with an improved user experience. Praise to the Lord, who over all things so wondrously reigneth, Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth! F. Swann)" and more. Praise to the Lord! All music free. Includes words and scores for public domain hymns. timpani, Tune: Benjamin Franklin White (shaped-note melody), Commissioned by Illinois College in Jacksonville IL at the inauguration of President Axel Steuer, April 2004, Published by Brassworks4Publishing (2006) BW324, THE SAINTS’ DELIGHT                 Organ prelude, THE SINGER AND THE SONG                 Hymn accompaniment, “When Long Before Time” (With One Voice, #799), THE SUMMONS                 Flute descant, THIRD MODE MELODY                 Hymn introduction and accompaniment, “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say” (Lutheran Book of Worship, #497, This is the feast of victory             Intonation, THREEFOLD TRUTH                 Introduction and descant for oboe or violin, TODA LA TIERRA                 Accompaniment, TREE OF LIFE                 Hymn introduction, TRIUMPH                 “Triumphant from the Grave” (concertato), SATB choir, two or three trumpets, organ, congregation, Text: Werner Franzmann  (Lutheran Worship, #144), TRÖSTET, TRÖSTET, SPRICHT DER HERR    Accompaniment, TRUTH FROM ABOVE                 Introduction, TRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA                 Hymn accompaniments (2 settings), “Children of the Heavenly Father” LBW 474, TWENTY-FOURTH                 Hymn accompaniments (2 settings), Published by CPH (2015) in 26 Hymn Introductions   97-7692, Introduction and accompaniment for treble voices, “Where Charity and Love Prevail”  LBW 126, UN FLAMBEAU, JEANETTE                 Organ prelude, Published by CPH (2012) in Carols for the Nativity   97-7448, UNION SEMINARY                 Hymn accompaniment, Jesus, Come! 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