Ulfric Stormcloak would say that I owe my allegiance to the Nord people as they fight for Skyrim's independence. The quest will end there and the next quest, Liberation of Skyrim , will begin. In response to the question "Whose side are you on? There were always a couple of Jarls I liked from the Imperial side, but I'd rather not play that storyline with my current character. ", Vignar: "If this was my Empire, I'd be able to worship whoever I damned well pleased. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. © Valve Corporation. Otherwise, Jarl Balgruuf takes the axe saying he needs a few moments to decide. Why would a regiment of soldiers be armed with giant warhammers instead of more conventional medieval weapons? The battle for Whiterun will not happen. level 1. The other characters present in the room are Elenwen (representing the Thalmor, even though she came with the Legion), Esbern , Delphine and Greybeards . Also there are hints that he has had personal disagreements with Ulfric in the past. (Xbox 360) I used a Blizzard scroll when defeating Jarl Balgruuf and I also could not accept Balgruuf's surrender (Vignar Grey-Mane did not approach the Jarl). Should I hold back some ideas for after my PhD? ", Balgruuf: "Tell me, Vignar. But in the end he chooses peace and safety. Is there a tactic to take out two enemies next to each other silently? Balgruuf the Greater is the Nord Jarl of Whiterun Hold, residing in his great hall, Dragonsreach. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. But he and Ulfric have been at odds for years, and I'm afraid Balgruuf will end up siding with the Empire because of it. Ulfric hopes to avoid bloodshed in Whiterun, so he'll give you an axe (Ulfric's War Axe) and tell you to deliver it to I like Balgruuf, but i hate that you kick him out if you join the Stormcloaks. All rights reserved. \hphantom with \footnotesize, siunitx and unicode-math. Objective. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Convince Jarl Balgruuf to secede and join Stormcloaks - interrupt the jarl, when he's discussing the decision with his advisors There is no threshold on speech skill required to accomplish those. rev 2021.1.18.38333, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Arqade works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Without its soul? After you give him the axe and he refuses it, you could say something like "think about this, the Dragonborn is joining the Stormcloaks, so either you will be defeated or you will kill me and have dragons terrorizing everyone in skyrim" And he will decide to accept the axe. Return to Ulfric. That's a twofer. When you return to Ulfric Stormcloak in Windhelm, he commends you for the victory and rewards you with an enchanted leveled weapon and gives you the title "Ice-Veins". One thing I always hated about that storyline is that he sides with the Imperials, and I always feel like I've just betrayed him. It only takes a minute to sign up. Was all this worth it? I HATE the Gray-manes, and I actually like Jarl Balgruuf. A planned but unused conversation with Vignar Grey-Mane: Balgruuf: "I won't say it again, Vignar; Talos worship is forbidden. You of all people should know that. save hide report. How to start convincing: - if you are done with Dragonstone retrieval, ask Balgruuf to give response to Ulfric, then interrupt Balgruuf during the scene when he discuss it with his advisors ("Proventus, what do you … With Balgruuf stepping down, Vignar takes the throne as the new Jarl of Whiterun. I tried to kill him and i was unsuccsessful. Hello. We need the Empire, as much as it needs us. Get your orders from Galmar; Break through the enemy barricade; Follow Galmar Stone-Fist; Open the exterior gate; Open the drawbridge; Enter Whiterun; Break through the first barricade; Break through the second barricade; Break through the final barricade; Force Jarl Balgruuf the Greater to surrender; Accept Jarl Balgruuf the Greater's surrender We know that the Jarl of Whiterun is a man willing to listen to reason, so why cant we convince him to side with the Stormcloaks? Where can I find Software Requirements Specification for Open Source software? Eaga Trust - Information for Cash - Scam? User Info: GammaSniper. Upon entering with Ralof, the quest is automatically received after leaving the keep. Upon entering the Pala… For other uses, see Jarl Balgruuf. I HATE the Gray-manes, and I actually like Jarl Balgruuf. he disapears or he is somewhere else? I prefer Balgruuf for Whiterun as I have this complicated head canon about his brother, niece and nephews whom I adore as characters so I tend to avoid ousting him as Jarl so these imaginary people I think are related to him (one of whom isn't even in the game and another of which is as an obscure NPC as you can get) don't get upset. I joined the stormcloaks my first play-through, and was excited when Ulfric asked me to take an ax to Balgruuf. Detailed Walkthrough A Gift for a Jarl . Reward- Walkthrough. Ulfric really wants him on their side as a true nord and powerful ally. So now my Whiterun has neither a Jarl nor a steward. Essentially I made this because for me, and many others the biggest problem with the stormcloaks was betraying the old jarl. Based on the comments made during the game, Balgruuf takes his role as Jarl really seriously and all personal feelings are secondary to making sure Whiterun is looked after. I am wondering if there is a mod out there for SE that allows Balgruuf to side with the stormcloaks? http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Balgruuf_the_Greater. Here is my idea. You'll need increadibly high speech to convince him though for obvious reasons. However it is completely possible to do so. Okay, so I really want to do the Whispering door quest in order to get the Ebony Blade, get the Oblivion Walker achievement, and just for the quest itself. So. This thread is archived. If you enable this mod after "Dragon Rising", there's not a lot to be … All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. A:"I wouldn't say that. Persuade Balgruuf to join the Empire/Stormcloaks. (1) You can convince Jarl Balgruuf to join Stormcloaks (compatible with Open Civil War). When it gives me the objective to "Meet with the men at Fort Neugrad", where Ralof and the others are supposed to be, I get to the spot where the quest marker is, but no one's there. The wiki article you link to says that Gerdur claims that they’ve been at odds, but doesn’t provide a quote from her. Whilst the Imperials just want him for his position of power. Hello. I just want to side with the Stormcloaks and keep Balgruuf in power, and that's exactly what it does. I just returned the axe to Ulfric and I don't want to betray Jarl Balgruuf. The quest will end there and the next quest, Liberation of Skyrim , will begin. No other evidence exists that I have found other than this, and of course it originates from a Stormcloak sympathiser but fits the storyline and the way Balgruuf responds to events in my opinion. A sword stained red with Nord blood. User Info: GammaSniper. Balgruuf and the Stormcloaks - posted in Skyrim Mod Requests: So, was anyone else annoyed by the fact that 100% of the time, Balgruuf joins the Imperials without considering Ulfrics offer. NPCs that are essential for the plot are immortal.. i have a little curiosity of what happens to Jarl Balgruuf after you help the stormcloaks to take over whiterun. Page 2 of 17 - Stormcloaks For Good Guys-LESS RACIST - posted in File topics: What about when you go after whiterun in the final questline? On stormcloak side requires convincing jarl Balgruuf to join stormcloaks (AND not talking Hrongar into being a jarl!) Suggestive Gaming Recommended for you How do I regain neutrality with Stormcloaks and Imperials? If you align with stormcloaks, get Balgruuf on your side or else you'll have to do the Dragonstone quest. PC Occasionally a glitch will happen at the completion of this quest. Walkthrough [edit | edit source]. If doing so his guards will not change. Jarl Balgruuf wondering whether he should join The Empire or Stormcloaks in the civil war [4E 201] 12 comments. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7020/?tab=posts. When you return to Ulfric Stormcloak in Windhelm, he commends you for the victory and rewards you with an enchanted leveled weapon and gives you the title "Ice-Veins". The Last of Us - Story So Far (What You Need to Know to play The Last of Us Part II) - Duration: 23:39. Based on the comments made during the game, Balgruuf takes his role as Jarl really seriously and all personal feelings are secondary to making sure Whiterun is looked after. Edited by Heartcloud, 17 June 2012 - 04:10 AM. However, he is also a pragmatist who believes that ensuring the physical safety of his subjects is his primary duty. i would like to know,plz answer. What I don't get is the reason for that attack. Once the axe is returned he took their side so he could defend his city. in fact Aldmeri want the war to continue no matter who win in the end. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. I like Balgruuf, but i hate that you kick him out if you join the Stormcloaks. He is a major character in the main quest of Skyrim. Thank you. Is it possible to continue the Main Quest Line if I took Whiterun with the Stormcloaks? If a jet engine is bolted to the equator, does the Earth speed up? No, I remember that the jarl wouldn't actually choose a side until the Stormcloaks attacked, it was then that they and the Imperials fought them.The Jarl does not join the opposite side, because if you are an Imperial and defeat the Stormcloaks he does not get replaced by an imposter. SUPRISE WTF MOMENT: Jarl Balgruuf and friends where did jarl balgruuf go after he lost the city? I'm currently post civil war and went back to check, and Balgruuf is still on the throne with Irileth beside him. https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_for_Whiterun_(Imperial) The Stormcloaks should charge now. Why doesn't Jarl Balgruuf side with the StormCloaks? Visit the newly formed Whiterun Military Camp, just south of the Whiterun, … cheers. Jarl Balgruuf is a devout worshipper of Talos, who hates the Thalmor and the White-Gold Concordat. Through most of my play throughs I like to join the Stormcloaks but I can never feel happy about the battle of Whiterun because of dethroning Balgruuf. Ulfric wants a civil war and to separate from the Empire but Balgruuf is happier with the way things are especially with his concern about threats posed by dragons. Is this what our people fought and died for? So the first time she met Hadvar was on the attack on the Winterhold fort. GammaSniper - 9 years ago. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The Stormcloaks lead her out of Helgen (she was as cowardly as them) but when she did join up with the Empire due to their racism and overhearing Ulfric's plan to violate the treaty she had written. Furthermore, an independence won through civil war would leave Skyrim weakened and alone. Then you defend Whiterun from the Imperials If it's the war you're referring to, I'm on the side of Whiterun. ... Well you sure wouldnt like that aswell as that makes Maven Black-briar as the jarl of Riften. such a mod would be a nightmare, because the civil war questline is buggy as is however you add this in the mix it could bug the whole game. After the Jarl of Whiterun declined to join the Stormcloaks in the Civil War, Ulfric Stormcloak has no choice but to conquer Whiterun to deny the Imperials this location of strategic importance in the centre Skyrim.. Get your Orders from Galmar Stone-Fist [edit | edit source]. But that day has not come yet. The Emperor is nothing more than a puppet of the Thalmor. No, I remember that the jarl wouldn't actually choose a side until the Stormcloaks attacked, it was then that they and the Imperials fought them.The Jarl does not join the opposite side, because if you are an Imperial and defeat the Stormcloaks he does not get replaced by an imposter. Jarl Balgruuf wears noble clothes, fur-lined boots, and a gold and ruby circlet for a crown. With Balgruuf stepping down, Vignar takes the throne as the new Jarl of Whiterun. But mark my words, old man, in the days to come, Ulfric will spread his rebellion thin. I need him because I would like to do the Deadric quest for Mephala and I need him and his "Strange children" to start the quest. Our blood sustains it! What sort of hints are there that Balgruuf has had disagreements with Ulfric? The quest also can be activated either by going to Windhelm and talking to Ulfric Stormcloakor by talking to traveling farmers or Stormcloak soldiers. Ulfric wants a civil war and to separate from the Empire but Balgruuf is happier with the way things are especially with his concern about threats posed by dragons. I know the lore of the game but just can't put my finger on why Jarl Balgruuf didn't side with them. A. That makes heaps of sense. After receiving the quest, it is necessary to travel to Windhelm and the Palace of the Kings to speak to Ulfric. He's nothing more than a barbarian renegade, whose lust for power has cost the lives of countless innocents. ", Balgruuf: "I'm no happier about this than you are, but I don't want the see the Thalmor rounding up people in the streets and throwing them in prison.". There is a Daedric quest given to the player by Balgruuf the greater, Jarl of Whiterun. Through most of my play throughs I like to join the Stormcloaks but I can never feel happy about the battle of Whiterun because of dethroning Balgruuf. I sided with the Stormcloaks and I have finished that quest and cannot find the previous Jarl of Whiterun. Does it take one hour to board a bullet train in China, and if so, why? What to do? How many of those corpses lining our streets wear the faces of men who once called you friend? Thanks for contributing an answer to Arqade! Once the Dragonborn has joined the Stormcloaks, they will then begin planning on the rebellion, they attempt to convince Balgruuf the Greater of Whiterun to join the Stormcloaks. Are there any other indications that Balgruuf and Ulfric have had disagreements? He does not like the Empire especially, but tries to stay neutral within the civil war until Ulfric forces his hand. You wish to see an Empire without Talos? One way I like to look at it is that you joined the Stormcloaks before Balgruuf joined the Empire, he willingly choose to go against you, so in a sense, he was the one who betrayed you, not vice versa. I joined the stormcloaks my first play-through, and was excited when Ulfric asked me to take an ax to Balgruuf. He's one of my favourite jarls and one of the reasons I'm hesitating to restart the game and join stormcloaks. A fix for this is to attack her until she becomes hostile and then sheathe your weapon. Which jarls are replaced? Old thread and sorry for delay, but to respond the exact dialog with Gerdur is Q: "Is Balgruuf loyal to the Empire? " And Jarl Balgruuf Respects him. The conflict between these two urges causes the Jarl a great deal of consternation, and he spends the first part of the game trying to make up his mind. I was able to kill everyone except him. Why is Jarl Ulfric abusing General Tullius? GammaSniper - 9 years ago. Cannot deliver message to the Jarl of Whiterun, During Diplomatic Immunity my Sneak skill stopped being effective, Does fire shield damage trigger if cloud rune is used. best. Our blood built it. A quest mod focused on overhauling the "Message To Whiterun" quest. Another conversation with Vignar, after the batte of Whiterun: Balgruuf: "A convenient position to hold now. A Gift for a Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak has decided that it's time to make Whiterun's Jarl Balgruuf the Greater pick a side. It is time for him to pick a side in the war. Anyone know if via Nexus or any other source there is a mod out there in which you can convince or through some other method, maybe even as simple as RNG have Balgruuf side with the Stormcloaks. share. So, in order to keep Balgruuf as Jarl while fighting for the Cloaks, you need to join the Legion instead. Is it possible to kill Ulfric after joining the Stormcloaks? A slightly hilarious issue is that NPCs will still talk as if the Battle of Whiterun actually happened and Whiterun itself took damage as well. It's the Empire's law, and we're still a part of the Empire. If any one knows his location I would be forever in your debt if you could share your knowledge. It would let him keep Balgruuf as Jarl I said it was the only way. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. That's because Balgruuf will always choose to side with the Imperial Legion regardless of which side the players pick. We should be fighting those witch-elves, not bending knee to them. Ulfric hopes to avoid bloodshed in Whiterun, so he'll give you an axe (Ulfric's War Axe) and tell you to deliver it to Balgruuf. (Is that his name?) Skyrim is a land ruled by a number of jarls, and perhaps the coolest of these petty lords we get to meet in The Elder Scrolls 5 is Balgruuf the Greater. EDIT: From the OP - "Is there any way to keep Balgruuf as jarl while fighting for the Stormcloaks?" But it's hard to believe that even Balgruuf would choose Elisif over Ulfric.". After you give him the axe and he refuses it, you could say something like "think about this, the Dragonborn is joining the Stormcloaks, so either you will be defeated or you will kill me and have dragons terrorizing everyone in skyrim" And he will decide to accept the axe. Sadly, players will have to oust him if they decide to commit to the Stormcloaks. PC SSE - Request. To forsake our most beloved ancestor and divine? 10 WHY STORMCLOAK: THE UNDERDOGS A huge chunk of Tamriel's history involves conquest by the Imperials, whose military might and organized soldiers have led to their dominance. I expected to be able to convince him to join us, but no, we have to fight him... so frustrating. How to start convincing: - if you are done with Dragonstone retrieval, ask Balgruuf to give response to Ulfric, then interrupt Balgruuf during the scene when he discuss it with his advisors ( "Proventus, what do you make of all this? Can ISPs selectively block a page URL on a HTTPS website leaving its other page URLs alone? Once the battle is over and Jarl Balgruuf gives his speech, you should get the quest "Reunification of Skyrim." You can't normally. Do electrons actually jump across contacts? Deliver axe to the Jarl of Whiterun; Assist Jarl Balgruuf with the dragon threat; Wait for the Jarl's response; Deliver axe to Jarl Ulfric; Wait for orders from Jarl Ulfric . You'll need increadibly high speech to convince him though for obvious reasons. If you side with the Empire, he continues ruling and stays where he's at. This mod is said to convice the Jarl to join the Stormcloaks, yet, according to the comments, it kills the questline. Okay, so I really want to do the Whispering door quest in order to get the Ebony Blade, get the Oblivion Walker achievement, and just for the quest itself. Speak to Ulfric Stormcloak. ": Ulfric Stormcloak's head on a pike. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. 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