Students who present scores of three or better will be granted up to six semester units (nine quarter units) of college credit for each AP course. The notice may also include a request that applicants submit additional records necessary to evaluate academic qualifications. Test programs currently offered include the SAT, ACT, WPE, and Chemistry 111A. Established CSU and CCC articulations may be found on The following budgets will assist California Resident students in planning costs for average expenses: (Costs include University fees, books and supplies, room and board, personal miscellaneous and transportation based on 2018-2019 CSULB budgets.). presents a minimum score of Pre-1 on the EIKEN Test. Due to high enrollment and impacted programs some courses may not be available for participation by Senior Citizens. 2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog, Admission as a Candidate for a Second Baccalaureate Degree, Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Application Procedures, Programs Leading to Licensure and Credentialing,,,,, Acalog™ Academic Catalog Management System™ (ACMS™), Undergraduate living at home with parents, (apartment, house nine month term, assumes shared housing), Have a qualifiable minimum eligibility index (see “Eligibility Index”); and. International students on “F” and “J” visas must be enrolled as full-time students. Students who meet the minimum requirements for graduate and post-baccalaureate studies may be considered for admission in one of the four following categories: These and other CSU admission requirements are subject to change as policies are revised and laws are amended. Each campus with impacted programs or admission categories uses supplementary admission criteria in screening applicants. The The Eligibility Index Table illustrates several combinations of required test scores and averages. The Early Start Program serves CSU admitted freshmen who have not demonstrated proficiency in written communication and/or mathematics/quantitative reasoning as determined by systemwide placement standards. To be assured of initial consideration by more than one campus, it is necessary to submit separate applications (including fees) to each. California State University, Long Beach grants credit toward its undergraduate degrees for successful completion of examinations of the Advanced Placement (AP) Program of the College Board. Questions about DHS policies may be directed to the Center for International Education. Students are responsible for determining whether they can meet licensure or credentialing requirements. Measles/Rubella and Hepatitis B clearance are obtained by presenting to Student Health Services 1) a medical immunization record showing dates of shots given, or 2) a record of blood tests showing immunity, or 3) receiving immunization(s), or 4) making a request for medical or personal religious exemption. Section 89030.7 of the California Education Code requires that the CSU establishes specific requirements for appeal procedures for a denial of admission for Undergraduate students. All campuses have established programs for students with Associate Degrees for Transfer from any California Community College to complete their baccalaureate degrees in 2-years. Summer, May, and Winter Session enrollment is open to all matriculated CSULB students and all non-matriculated students such as prospective students, students from other colleges and universities, and interested individuals from the community. The CSU must assess the academic preparation of foreign students. General Requirements - The minimum requirements for admission to graduate and postbaccalaureate studies at a CSU campus are in accordance with university regulations as well as Title 5, Chapter 1, Subchapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations. Details regarding the supplemental admission criteria are published at The campus has established procedures for consideration of qualified applicants who would be faced with extreme hardship if not admitted. Students planning to enroll in credential programs must also file an application for admission to the University. A “unit” is one year of study in high school. Persons who neither graduated from a California high school nor are a resident of California for tuition purposes need a minimum index of 3570 using the SAT or 842 using the ACT. MATH. Supportive course models may include, among others, co-requisite approaches, supplemental instruction or “stretch” formats that extend a course beyond one academic term. Academic Programs. Apply for admission to several other CSU campuses, with a Basic BSN program. Final official high school transcripts must be received prior to the deadline set by the university. Post-Baccalaureate Unclassified - To enroll in undergraduate courses as preparation for advanced degree programs or to enroll in graduate courses for professional or personal growth, applicants must be admitted as post-baccalaureate unclassified students. For more information call the College of Professional and International Education (CPIE) at (562) 985-5561. If you earn an Associate Degree for Transfer at a California Community College and meet the CSU's eligibility requirements, you can transfer. Better prepare students in written communication and mathematics/quantitative reasoning before the start of the fall semester of the freshman year; Add an important and timely assessment tool in preparing students for college; and. Candidates for a second baccalaureate degree should apply at The eligibility index is the combination of the high school GPA and scores on either the ACT or the SAT. An acknowledgement will be sent to the applicant when the online application has been submitted. 794d), as amended in 1998. At least two of the courses in the overall program must be Capstone courses. The CSU requires that first-time freshman applicants complete, with grades of C- or better, a comprehensive pattern of college preparatory study totaling 15 units. Title IX. Possesses a high school diploma (or has established equivalence through either the General Educational Development or California High School Proficiency Examinations), Has not been enrolled in college as a full-time student for more than one term during the past five years, If there has been any college attendance in the last five years, has earned a 2.00 GPA average or better in all college work attempted, A score of 3 or above on either the Language and Composition examination or the Composition and Literature examination of the College Board Scholastic Advanced Placement Program, Completion and transfer to the CSU of the credits for a college course that satisfies the CSU GE requirement in written composition, provided such a course was completed with a grade of C- or better, A result of ‘Standard Exceeded: Ready for CSU or participating CCC college-level coursework in English’ earned on the CAASPP Early Assessment Program (EAP) exam, A score of 550 or higher on the Evidence Based Reading and Writing section of the, A score of 500 or higher on the Evidence Based Reading and Writing section of the, A score of 22 or above on the ACT English test, A result of ‘Standard Met: Conditionally Ready for CSU or participating CCC college-level coursework in English’ on the CAASPP Early Assessment Program (EAP) exam, Achievement of a weighted high school GPA ≥ 3.3, Completion of 4+ years of standard college preparatory high school English courses, Achievement of a weighted high school GPA ≥ 3.0 and 4 years of standard college preparatory high school English courses, A score less than 510 on the Evidence Based Reading Writing section of the, A score less than 19 on the ACT English test and the achievement of a high school GPA of ≤ 3.0, A score of 3 or above on the College Board Advanced Placement Calculus AB or Calculus BC tests, A score of 3 or above on the College Board Advanced Placement Statistics test, A score of 4 or above on the International Baccalaureate Mathematics Higher Level (HL), A score of 50 or above on the College Board College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Calculus, College Algebra, College Algebra-Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, or Trigonometry, Completion and transfer to the CSU of the credits for a college course that satisfies the CSU General Education requirement in mathematics/quantitative reasoning, provided such a course was completed with a grade of C- or better, A result of ‘Standard Exceeded: Ready for CSU or participating CCC college-level coursework in mathematics’ on the CAASPP Early Assessment Program (EAP) exam, A score of 570 or above on the mathematics section of the, A score of 550 or above on the mathematics section of the, A score of 550 or above on the SAT Subject Test in Mathematics (level 1 or level 2), A score of 23 or above on the ACT Mathematics test, A result of ‘Standard Met: Conditionally Ready for CSU or participating CCC college-level coursework in mathematics’ on the CAASPP Early Assessment Program (EAP) exam, Achievement of a weighted high school GPA ≥ 3.7, Achievement of a weighted high school mathematics GPA ≥ 3.5 and 5+ years of mathematics or quantitative reasoning courses, Achievement of a weighted high school mathematics GPA ≥ 3.5 and completion of an approved senior year course, A result of ‘Standard Met: Conditionally Ready for CSU or participating CCC college-level coursework in mathematics on the CAASPP Early Assessment Program (EAP exam) and 4 years of mathematics or quantitative reasoning courses, Achievement of a weighted high school GPA ≥ 3.5 and 4+ years of mathematics or quantitative reasoning courses, Achievement of a weighted high school mathematics GPA ≥ 3.0 and completion of 5+ years of mathematics or quantitative reasoning courses, Achievement of a weighted high school mathematics GPA ≥3.0 and completion of an approved senior year course, Achievement of a high school mathematics GPA ≥ 3.3, A score less than 510 on the mathematics section of the, A score less than 20 on the ACT Mathematics test AND a high school GPA ≤ 3.2. Intake Windows, 1st Floor Courtyard, Brotman Hall, Beach Central Counseling Office
(Note: Some campuses may require lower-division transfer students to complete specific college coursework, for example the four basic skill courses in the General Education pattern, as part of their admission criteria.). If applying after the initial filing period, consult the campus admission office for current information. Note: Regular admission standards apply. If however they meet the requirements for the program and are not offered admission to CSULB, their application will be redirected to another CSU campus with capacity to offer admission. Specifically, a student shall at the time of enrollment: Graduate Classified - To pursue a graduate degree, applicants are required to fulfill all of the professional, personal, scholastic, and other standards, including qualifying examinations, prescribed by the campus; or, Graduate Conditionally Classified - Applicants may be admitted to a graduate degree program in this category if, in the opinion of appropriate campus authority, deficiencies may be remedied by additional preparation; or, Post-Baccalaureate Classified, e.g. Once admitted to the University, students will be sent registration information advising them of the procedures for fee payment and the dates that they may register. The campus President or designee will determine which insurance policies meet these criteria. See the ranking on! The school accepted 11128 students. An applicant who completes fewer than 60 semester (90 quarter) units of college credit is considered a lower-division transfer student. In order to remain in the program, students must meet with their advisors as prescribed, develop an enrollment plan and complete 30 semester units or the quarter equivalent within each academic year, including summer. Verification of English proficiency (see the section on the English Language Requirement for undergraduate applicants) and academic performance are each important considerations for admission. Pre-Nursing students must complete the following requirements within four semesters of being admitted into the University. The minimum CSULB eligibility index to be considered is 3200 using the SAT or 765 using the ACT. UOSR is the university’s student recruitment and guest relations office and the primary contact point for prospective undergraduate students seeking information about CSULB’s admission processes, academic departments, student support programs and campus life. Unless specific written approval/confirmation is received, an offer of admission is not transferable to another term or to another campus. Application requests and questions should be directed to International Admission (, located in the Center for International Education (FND-180). The following suite of courses must be completed with a minimum GPA of a 3.0: BIOL 201, BIOL 207 , BIOL 208 , CHEM 140 , and HDEV 190 or PSY 110 or SOC 170 or STAT 108 or STAT 118 . Previous CSULB students who were under the earlier General Education requirements and who before breaking continuous attendance completed one or more upper-division GE courses shall be required to complete additional Capstone courses as needed to complete the total of 9 upper-division units. Requirements for admission to California State University, Long Beach are in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 1, Subchapter 3, of the California Code of Regulations. CSULB continues to receive more first-time freshman applicants than can be accommodated. Graduate applications are forwarded to the graduate departments for review. Enrollment requests will be granted based on available space, as well as completion of any stated prerequisites. Students should consult their home campus academic advisors to determine how such courses may apply to their specific degree programs before enrolling at the host campus. The “basic student” is eligible to take the examination for licensure to practice as a registered nurse upon completion of the program. Students who left under academic disqualification must submit a “Reinstatement Petition” with proof of submission of their Cal State Apply application by the published deadline. Please visit our webpage in mid-January 2021 for more workshop offerings. To be considered for transfer admission to CSULB you must meet the following minimum requirements by the end of the prior Spring term for Fall admission and by the end of the previous summer term for Spring admission: Complete 60 transferable semester units or 90 transferable quarter units. Students should direct questions to the Department of Nursing Office. The CSU requires that all entering freshmen students be evaluated in terms of their preparation to complete first year courses in written communication and mathematics/quantitative reasoning. The University reserves the right to select its students and deny admission to the University or any of its programs as the University, in its sole discretion, determines the appropriate criteria based on an applicant’s suitability and the best interests of the University. Applicants must apply via the online Cal State Apply application between August 1-31, 2020. The graduate certificates are listed below, with the department responsible for each certificate indicated in parenthes… in science (excluding biological sciences), math, engineering, foreign languages and nursing. After completing the nursing degree program, graduates will need to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). Beach Central Intake
Supplementary criteria may include rank-ordering of freshman applicants based on the CSU eligibility index or rank-ordering of transfer applicants based on verification of the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) degree, the overall transfer grade point average (GPA), completion of specified prerequisite courses and a combination of campus-developed criteria. Registration in Winter, May, or Summer as a non-matriculated student does not ensure the privilege of enrolling in the fall or spring semester as a matriculated student. The CSU will announce during the fall filing period those campuses or programs that are impacted. The office of Testing, Evaluation and Assessment at CSULB is located in Brotman Hall 216. The CSU will not refund tuition, fees, or any associated costs, to students who determine subsequent to admission that they cannot meet licensure or credentialing requirements. Applicants to the nursing major are normally admitted by the time they reach junior standing. Graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants may apply for a degree objective, a credential or certificate objective or, where approved, may have no program objective. The goals of the Early Start Program are to: As an alternative to regular admission criteria, an applicant who is 25 years of age or older may be considered for admission as an adult student if he or she meets all of the following conditions: Consideration will be based upon a judgment as to whether the applicant is as likely to succeed as a regularly admitted freshman or transfer student and will include an assessment of basic skills in the English language and mathematical computation. All CSU applications must be submitted online at By meeting the general requirements, applicants are eligible for admission as post-baccalaureate unclassified students. GPA is based on grades earned in courses taken during the final three years of high school. Campuses will communicate supplementary admission criteria for all impacted programs to high schools and community colleges in their application service area and will disseminate this information to the public through appropriate media. The supplementary admission criteria used by individual campuses to screen applicants are made available by the campuses to all applicants seeking admission to an impacted program. Completed at least sixty (60) transferable semester (90 quarter) units of college level coursework with a grade point average of 2.0 or higher and a grade of C- or better in each course used to meet the CSU general education requirements in written communication, oral communication, critical thinking, and quantitative reasoning, e.g. Based on the systemwide assessment standards for GE mathematics/quantitative reasoning below, freshmen shall enroll in appropriate general education mathematics/quantitative reasoning courses during their first academic year unless the requirement has been fulfilled. For more information about on and off-campus housing, please call (562) 985-4187, go to, or visit the Housing Office in the Temporary Buildings adjacent to Parking Lot G4. Students should be prepared to meet expenses for fees within 30 days of registration. The university has no current plans to include the writing scores from either of the admissions tests in the computation of the CSU eligibility index. Included in the calculation of GPA are grades earned in all college preparatory “a-g” subject requirements and bonus points for approved honors courses. Grades in up to eight semester courses designated as honors courses in approved subjects and taken in the last two years of high school, receive additional points in grade-point average calculations. A CSU eligibility index can be calculated by multiplying a GPA by 800 and adding the total score on the SAT exam (mathematics and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing ). Credit earned at the host campus is reported at the student’s request to the home campus to be included on the student’s transcript at the home campus. CSULB’s core academic mission is to graduate students with highly valued degrees. The Educational Opportunity Program helps transfer and other students with academic advising, financial assistance and more. These are not admission requirements, but are required of students as conditions of enrollment in CSU. Students required to participate in the Early Start Program may choose to enroll at any CSU campus; the earned baccalaureate credit will be transferred seamlessly to the student’s destination campus. An applicant with a grade point average of 3.00 or above (3.61 for nonresidents) is not required to submit test scores. Application PeriodSpring 2021 ApplicationAugust 1 – August 31Fall 2021 ApplicationOctober 1 – February 1New Student OrientationArticulation & Transfer PlanningWarriors on the Way ProgramTransfer EligibilityYou will qualify as an upper division transfer student if you:Complete a minimum of 60 transferable semester or 90 quarter unitsHave at least a cumulative 2.0 GPAAre in good Students, whether graduates of CSULB or of another accredited institution, may complete the requirements for and be awarded certificates while in graduate standing. presents a minimum score of 5.5 in each sub-section on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Due to enrollment pressures, most CSU campuses do not admit lower-division transfers. California State University is a Public institution with a campus in Long Beach, California. Long Beach City College is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities by meeting or exceeding the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. Admission Requirements for Bachelor of Science Program. Improve the opportunity for students to successfully complete their college degrees. The procedure is limited to addressing campus decisions to deny an applicant admission to the University. No graduate student may register concurrently at this and any other collegiate institution without advance permission. The mission of the Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing is to improve health care by preparing nurses for excellence in research, engaged leadership, innovative practice, interdisciplinary collaboration, and community and global partnerships. Each non-impacted campus accepts applications until capacities are reached. First-time freshmen must: The offer of admission is confirmed when the university verifies that applicants have a CSULB qualifiable minimum eligibility index and have completed the comprehensive pattern of college preparatory “a-g” subjects. Having fewer than 60 semester (90 quarter) units at the point of transfer may affect eligibility for registration priority at CSU campuses and may affect the student’s financial aid status. CSU Visitor Enrollment - matriculated students in good standing enrolled at one CSU campus may enroll on a space available basis at another CSU campus for one term. Students who have completed an AA-T/AS-T in a program deemed similar to a CSU major are able to complete remaining requirements for graduation within 60 semester (90 quarter) units. No application or admissions process is required for summer and winter registration. Some majors and colleges may require a score higher than 61. Successful completion of general education (GE) written communication and mathematics/quantitative reasoning courses in the first year of CSU enrollment establishes a foundation for continuous learning. Cal State LA will be opening Spring 2021 admission to domestic upper division transfer applicants for select majors. The UCLA School of Nursing admits new undergraduate students once each year at the freshman level and a limited number of transfer students at the junior level. *For this exemption to remain valid, once having met the exemption, the student must not have left the U.S.A. for more than two years to reside or study in a country where English is not the predominant language of business, education and day-to-day societal functions. Immunizations may also be obtained at Student Health Services for a minimal charge for Measles and Rubella (German Measles) and vaccine Hepatitis B. Have completed, with grades of C- or better, each of the courses in the comprehensive pattern of college preparatory subject requirements also known as the “a-g” pattern (see “Subject Requirements”). Candidates for admission must meet all of the campus’ specified supplementary admission criteria if applying to an impacted program or campus. Applicants must submit a separate program application to the School of Nursing. ... , but then equally average the grades for all eight of the Pre-Nursing Core requirements in order to reach the Core GPA used for admission purposes to the program. Please review the CSULB Admissions website for information related to Major Specific Requirements and Impaction Criteria based on student status as a prospective, admitted or transfer. Accessibility. The Bob Murphy Access Center Special Admission Committee facilitates this process by consulting with Enrollment Services and providing additional information about each applicant’s special circumstances. The program is accredited by the California State Board of Registered Nursing, and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 1 Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036-1120, phone: 202-887-6791). For California State University, Long Beach, California for freshman admission is 33.42.... Department at low cost are responsible for determining whether they can meet licensure or credentialing are. Instructions in the overall program must be anticipated monthly and included in the academic preparation abilities! Same conditions and deadlines as all other applicants ” is eligible to take the SAT enrollment will. ) 985-5471 or a student ’ s academic record but carry no credit or grade.. Submits proof of having obtained a bachelor ’ s degree must submit a final official transcript after graduation certify! Entry-Level nursing Master 's programs, also accelerated in nature, are geared to non-nursing graduates generally! 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