Saadia is known for constantly changing her name. It was mentioned that Saadia must be more than she claims to be, too. She could be easily protected elsewhere. Little does he know that his first step over the border is just the first step in the journey that will take him to his destiny and beyond. Kematu, on the other hand, is a calculating liar. In the end, the main Aldmeri army in Cyrodiil was completely destroyed. Log in to view your list of favourite games. I'll say Kematu is the one to trust. After a bit they disappear, and that's seemingly the end of it. I doubt that Rorik (having fought against the Aldmeri Dominion) would let them stay in his town if he had any suspicions about them making deals with the Thalmor. At least until he was away from the city, to avoid more trouble with the Whiterun guards. Just looking at what they were packing - they had curved swords. Tired of wandering and tired of fame. According to the book on The Great War the Alik'r Warriors inflected massive casualties on the Dominion armies. The primary thing that reinforced my belief was that he paralyzed her and took her back, rather than simply killing her on sight. Meaning she was killed, and suggesting that Saadia was telling the truth: Kematu and his men were in the employ of the Dominion all along. They may be related to the quest though. The player cannot be… They are hardly savage bandits. they have been causing trouble in Whiterun, to the point of getting thrown out and/or arrested, the Alik'r out searching refuse to give any reasons for hunting Saadia, they don't have any sort of official documentation of their hunt, they have been harassing Redguard women who are travelling throughout Skyrim, Saadia actually puts the weapon away when you ask her to. Curved. The Alik'r were shunned by Whiterun, that's saying something. When Kematu came to Whiterun in search for her, he didn't use force or made a scene. According to her, when the Aldmeri Dominion spread to her province, she spoke out against the Dominion and was forced to leave the land. I ignored them - my quest is to find the truth in Skyrim, not some runaway slave. And as stated, the Thalmor don't have the right to just kidnap people in Skyrim, they would have to hire someone else to capture her. Kematu claims Saadia is the Dominion agent. Trying a bit an experiment this month - with a poll that posits a moral dilemma from Elder Scrolls. (Upload NOWHERE ELSE!) NPC Replacer for Saadia, the Redguard woman located in the Bannered Mare. I don't understand how your armor has anything to do with the Nords' inherent racism made them inclined to toss the Alik'r out of town. Can an Eldritch Knight use a Ruby of the War Mage? What are the degrees of a pentatonic scale called? Prior to her arrival in Skyrim, Saadia, or "Iman" to use her true name, as revealed during her quest, was a noble belonging to one of the most powerful houses in Hammerfell. On the other hand, were they killed by 'regular' murderers this wouldn't enrage you politically. Why not in Hammerfell? Best at what? Saadia is a traitor and should suffer the worst fate. So, yeah. She is alone, friendless, and has just learned that her pursues have caught up with her. I don't think that she was taken back to Hammerfell, executed, and then returned to Skyrim for burial. Her very life depends on convincing this random adventurer to protect her against a band of trained killers. I was attacked by a group of them, and hadn't done the Embassy, and had sided with Saadia. If you side with Saadia during her questline, you may obtain proof of her innocence, and she will become available as a potential Follower, Steward, Spouse, and Traveling Merchant. An additional point in favour of Kematu is that if you kill Saadia at the exchange, he laments the wasted effort, so clearly he wasn't just planning on murdering her once they're out of your sight. While this may seem like an act of desperate defiance, it may hint at a violent and unpredictable personality. Active 1 Bountied Hot Week Month. However after reading this I realised, if she has an Urn, with her name on it, it means she was officially/publically killed. Wishing I hadn't turned her over, but oh well, I don't know if I could have beaten that many Alik'r warriors anyway. As was mentioned, her story is fishy as hell. @Andy_Vulhop The Aldmeri never imposed their judicial system to the defeated Holds. I thought this was pretty black and white at first, and sided with Kematu, but as someone previously stated, you find Saadia's burial urn in the hall of the dead in Whiterun. And in Skyrim, crime only applies to the hold you are residing in, in this case, Whiterun, Saadia is a working class resident holding a job and contributing to society. Also, she was surely not the innocent little kitten that she wanted to be taken for. I side with Kematu, because I probably can't take on 20 assassins with curved swords. Pulling a knife is what anyone would do. Draevan, and what do you have to say about the hypothesis of the urn being symbolic, since they simply don't find her the next morning? That's pretty compelling evidence against them in my book. Given that Hammerfell is not friendly with the Thalmor, Saadia's story of being persecuted for speaking out against them seems unlikely. I think there are so many possible explanations for her death that it's impossible to draw safe conclusions from the sheer observation of a named urn in a crypt. family might not want her buried in her ancestral home. I will base this claim not on what Kematu or Saadia has said or done as a person (which might be subjective) but on hard facts. If you side with Kematu, he claims he'll be taking Saadia to Hammerfell to stand trial, that she won't be harmed "until she gets there". Unwilling to abandon Hammerfell completely, he allowed a great number of "invalids" to be discharged from the Legions before they marched east. =) Well, maybe one could argue that her family does not want a convicted traitor's ashes there, but they still care about her and want to her remains placed in some known place, so why not Skyrim where she was living. Schaken-Mods EXCLUSIVE! Partly because she didn't hold any particular attachment to the place (she has no friends or family tagged, if you look her up in the Creation Kit), and its doubtful that the Redguards would show her the respect of a proper burial. The Redguards, understandably, looked on this as a betrayal. She was supposed to be taken alive back to Hammerfell. We learn that Lord Naarifin a general of the Aldmeri Dominion was gibbeted at the end of the retaking of the Imperial City. Then, after you slaughter them, Kematu tries his hand at smooth talking, and constantly calls Saadia a liar. Who's telling the truth? Why is Steam telling me to buy a game I've already purchased? So I think it is reasonable to believe that Kematu was lying about his intentions to the Dragonborn. As far as I know, Skyrim doesn't go into detail about the Alik'r. It makes sense that Alik'r warriors are turned away everywhere because they are seen as a military unit of Hammerfell which is no longer part of the empire, having a non-empire military unit march through a city could be seen as potentially dangerous, provocative and bearing heavy implications politically. She has every reason to exaggerate and obfuscate, and I can't really blame her for it. In addition one of the bandits at the beginning of the cave say he doesn't like the Alik'r around, while his friend says something like don't complain unless you want a knife in the back. Ragnthor of the Isles comes home to Skyrim after being gone for 8 years. She might be a liar, but Kematu is definitely a liar. 2) Yeah after you wipe out all the bandits ofcourse they want to talk, I never said they were savage or stupid.. or even bandits, they just hide in their cave :). The Alik'r are not allowed in the city, so for now she is perfectly safe. The Alik'r are hiding in a damn bandit cave 5. If Mercs from Hammerfell are rolling up into Skyrim, you know it's serious. I'm sure she's lying, too. Games. It is more likely that an individual spoke out against an organization rather than one individual causing the fall of Taneth. The problem is that there's really no way to tell which one is telling the truth. Because he wanted to maintain the fiction that she was being taken back to Hammerfell for trial. Saadia is wanted by the noble houses of Taneth for treason. Saadia seems hesitant to explain the full situation, while Kematu elaborates on it fully. 9 Was Saadia Telling The Truth, Or Was Kematu? Since he himself has most likely fought alongside redguards from Hammerfell, he might have allowed them to stay in his town as fellow veterans of war. "I am a noble of House Suda in Hammerfell.". Saadia has supposedly sided with the Aldmeri Dominion yet she's the one on the run. Rorik himself is an old war dog who fought in the Great War. Textbook recommendation for multiple traveling salesman problem transformation to standard TSP. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. As the other two have said, there’s no way to know who is telling the truth from the quest. Both Kematu and Saadia are lying to the Dragonborn, so why do I believe that she is innocent? She could have a trial under a partial judge. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "In my time of need quest, who is telling the truth? Saadia is wanted by the noble houses of Taneth for treason. You can now return to the Bannered Mare and speak to Saadia and tell her a series of lies to get her to follow you. via nexus mods. If Saadia is a Thalmor agent why would she flee to Skyrim? Kematu's explanation that she betrayed a city to … Although not explicitly mentioned, judging by the White-Gold Concordat I doubt that the treaty of Stros M'kai left the Aldmeri Dominion empty handed (which might explain Kematu saying that the resistance in Hammerfell is still ongoing). Bash - How to reorganize files based on the dates in their names? If you go and check in Whiterun's Hall of the Dead shortly after, you find Saadia's burial urn. He also mentions justice, and taking her into custody, and implies that Saadia will face a trial back in Hammerfell rather than swift execution. Many inconsistencies. How would you like someone breaking in your house and punishing your children? The first time you talk to Saadia, she pulls a knife on you. The sum of two well-ordered subsets is well-ordered. 3) Racism mixed with a bunch of armed dudes searching your town for a single person. 2. votes. Is Saadia's reticence due to her guilt? Meaning she was killed, and suggesting that Saadia was telling the truth: Kematu and his men were in the employ of the Dominion all along. It only takes a minute to sign up. Keep in mind the Aldmeri agreed to sign a peace treaty that is of great advantage but doesn't grant unlimited powers. After 20 years of AES, what the retrospective changes that should have been made? The Emperor encouraged [The Aldmeri Dominion] in their belief that he was preparing to surrender; meanwhile, he gathered his forces to retake the Imperial City. Just found this out and felt like pointing it out here. Who can say. rev 2021.1.18.38333, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Arqade works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Because her's are lies borne of desperation. Saadia's story had a lot of inconsistencies and I mean a lot. traitor (source needed, Justiciar Execution Orders are normally issued That's what prompts me to believe that Saadia is in fact lying. According to claims, Saadia was forced to flee the province to Skyrim after speaking out against the Aldmeri Dominion , … I'm pretty sure that this quest was intended to be ambiguous by Bethesda, but that doesn't mean it isn't entertaining to theorize about what was happening behind the scenes. The Emperor's decision to withdraw from the Imperial City in 4E 174 was bloodily vindicated. Justiciar Execution Order with your race and name. Yeah, I'm on Saadia's side, the other thing that made me want to believe her is that if she helped the Aldmeri Dominion she could be fine under their protection, they're pretty freaking strong that and the fact she was a noble and became a tavern wench to live in hiding rather than staying a noble gives some credibility to her defense. IMO her crime isn't worth following her all over the world for in the first place and I doubt she'd do anything in the future to further increase people's urge to kill her... Add the fact that she is now in Skyrim where the Thalmor can easily keep an eye on her if they feel the need to. Source: If you prefer to side with the Redguards, skip to Inform the Alik'r of Saadia's location. Several cities in Hammerfell would have gladly protected her from the Thalmor. Just to be clear, by that you mean the people of Whiterun woke up, saw she was gone, assumed she was dead and held a funeral? While this may seem like an act of desperate defiance, it may hint at a violent and unpredictable personality. But I'd rather stand with truth than money (I don't really need the 500g that bad... plenty of money later on). Once you find them, fast travel there and go tell the warrior where Saadia is at. They said there was a bounty on her head, and I would be rewarded for finding her. Is Saadia… Saadia specifically wants you go and kill Kematu. The purpose of this quest I think is to make you question which is the right option to take. and wanting to see the girl he left behind. Kematu and his mercenaries are definitely the ones telling the truth. So to break it down, Kematu's Alik'r are mercenaries that made 2 groups feel threatened, they were most likely hired by the Thalmor to capture Saadia and bring her back, and Kematu lies to you out of desperation in the cave, after you've destroyed his forces. Punishment for treason is death, so it proves nothing. Kematu might be telling the truth. This was my original reason to hit F9, say "screw you" and sold her out instead. Amorous Adventures is a The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim mod created by Foxfingers, adding new dialogue interactions and sidequests involving many NPCs from the base game.. Saadia is known for constantly changing her name. If Kematu really was an assassin, why paralyse her at the end of the quest - why not just stab her and be done with it? Mods. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 63. views. Recently added 26 View all 1,181. In Whiterun, or anywhere else in Skyrim, this is the lore and the law. How to describe a cloak touching the ground behind you as you walk? Who must be present at the Presidential Inauguration? Once Saadia is alone with the Dragonborn, she will explain her side of the situation. Why does he get angry if the Dragonborn kills her while she's paralyzed? Confusion about reps vs time under tension: aren't these two things contradictory? Saadia is a citizen of Skyrim and Whiterun, so as a thane of Whiterun hold, Saadia is under my protection. 1. answer. Just found this out and felt like pointing it out here. Saadia claims that she's innocent, that Kematu and his men are mercenaries hired by the Dominion to kill her. She says that she spoke out against the Thalmor in Hammerfell and they hired assassins to hunt her down. It is more likely, I think, that Kematu murders her shortly after the Dragonborn helps him. All this points to him and his warriors being enforcers rather than assassins. Side with the Alik'r and Saadia will be executed. Do the Alik'r actually go after you if you take too long to lure Saadia to the stables? because of the assault on the Thalmor Embassy in the main questline). If you go and check in Whiterun's Hall of the Dead shortly after, you find Saadia's burial urn. Swords. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. I believe Saadia over Kematu, myself. Either Kemtatu is lying, or Saadia is. Plus I tend to side with the smaller party in almost all cases. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. We learn that the Redguards refuse to accept the treaty (and are expelled from the empire) and continue to wage war with the Aldmeri Dominion. So we all know this quest by now: you have to pick whether to side with Saadia or Kematu. To me, his entire conversation in the cave comes off as a meticulously designed story intended to undermine whatever confidence the Dragonborn has in Saadia, topped off by the (apparently empty) promise that she won't be harmed. Well it's certainly possible... but less likely than the game bugging due to Saadia being removed from the game and adding remains in the Hall as if she'd been killed. chevron_right. Why do I get attacked by Thalmor Justicars in Skyrim when I have done nothing to offend them as far as I know? One thing that also bothered me was that to find out where Kematu is, you have to visit the Whiterun prison to talk to a captured Alik'r. The rest of your points make a lot of sense though. Complete with fake ashes in the urn (since if you search it you find "Saadia's Ashes" in the urn)? The Aldmeri have always been able to win fights without the assistance of individuals, especially noble women, who may or may not have access to military secrets. Kematu might be telling the truth The first time you talk to Saadia, she pulls a knife on you. I was going to side with the Lovely Saadia, sure she brings out a knife, wouldn't you if you knew people were hunting you? Saadia seems hesitant to explain the full situation, while Kematu elaborates on it fully. Curved. Essential NPCs refer to characters that are unkillable until they are … He never really tells you why he was captured, he just says he has shamed the Alik'r for being captured, they are supposed to be "the best of the best" he says. This doesn't make sense, everyone in Hammerfell hates the Thalmor. [...] Hammerfell, however, refused to accept the White-Gold Concordat, being unwilling to concede defeat and the loss of so much of their territory. I wonder why no-one so far mentions the fact that she will attack you if you go along with her to "speak in private"? If you believe Saadia, skip to Talk to the Alik'r Prisoner. She was supposed to be taken back alive for a trial. that Kematu might have been telling the truth and that Saadia truly was a Speaking to the Alik'r ends the quests and earns the reward. Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion signed the White-Gold Concordat, ending the Great War. The other path is to go to Rorikstead to tell the two Alik’r at the Frostfruit Inn that you found Saadia. In My Time of Need: Saadia was telling the truth. Kematu's opening line - "We can avoid any more bloodshed." Also, here are many assumptions at play, for example: - Having an urn means a person is definitely dead, - Having an urn in Whiterun means a person died in Whiterun, - Being dead means the last person you saw them with is the killer and he had murderous intents from the start. Saadia wouldn't be hiding in Skyrim if she was really fleeing from the Thalmor. In Whiterun I met a pair of Redguard thugs who told me they were looking for a young Redguard woman. In 4E 175 the White-Gold Concordat is signed. Meanwhile Saadia's burial urn, which appears in Whiterun afterwards, could have been sent back for whatever reason (e.g., they didn't want the traitor buried in her ancestral home). I would rather base my theory on what happens in-game, as part of the quest, and draw logical conclusions from that. What does children mean in “Familiarity breeds contempt - and children.“? If a jet engine is bolted to the equator, does the Earth speed up? It's not unusual for kings to legitimize political persecution with legal shenanigans. 2. minecraft-java-edition the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim minecraft-commands diablo-3 steam league-of-legends technical-issues pokemon-go minecraft-bedrock-edition starcraft-2 more tags. Ultimately, my decision is to side against the Alik'r (note that is not the same thing as siding with Saadia): All of the hard evidence is against the Alik'r acting in an acceptable or legitimate fashion, with only Kematu's honeyed words suggesting otherwise. `` screw you '' and sold her out instead we can avoid any more bloodshed skyrim saadia truth (?! Own based on the thirty-fourth day off by winged daedra on the other two have,! @ Nothingatall `` to let the player in Skyrim when I have done to. Her while she 's innocent, that Kematu and his closing lines which imply that Saadia must be more she. Ever presents itself in, you find `` Saadia 's ashes '' in the wall in Reachcliff cave children.?!, Hammerfell resisted the Thalmore and the law skip to Inform the Alik ' r are lying to the Holds... Keep in mind the Aldmeri Dominion signed the White-Gold tower her buried in ancestral! Seems hesitant to explain the full situation, while Saadia 's story had a war you n't... 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