AutoFocusTransitionSpeed=0.601000 ClarityDarkIntensity=1.000000 BLOOM_CURVE=0.660000 alAdaptBaseBlackLvL=2 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_BLACKS_CURVE=-0.230000 [Glitch.fx] MXAO_GLOBAL_RENDER_SCALE=1.000000 fADOF_ShapeDiffusionAmount=0.100000 [FilmGrain2.fx] GreenCurve=1.014000 Curvature=0 Overscan=1.010000 fRBM_ReliefHeight=0.300000 Power=1.500000 AL_Vibrance=0 Type=0. [FakeMotionBlur.fx] BLOOM_AMOUNT=0.302000 MXAO_DEBUG_VIEW_ENABLE=0 alDirtInt=1.189000 [SMAA.fx] backbuffer_bits=8.000000 HUEYellow=0.750000,0.750000,0.250000 [Vibrance.fx] [Vignette.fx] Yes, you download the files from my shader presets from my launcher and download ReShade then replace those files. fGPDOFChromaAmount=0.150000 Setting Up ReShade for Video Game Post-Processing. [DisplayDepth.fx] One such example is Halo: Reach RTC. mbRecall=0.189000 pSSDOBounceLOD=3 Zooming=0.861000 [HSLShift.fx] LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_SATURATION=-0.160000 mbSoftness=1.042000 D_overshoot=0.009000 [LevelsPlus.fx] fADOF_AutofocusCenter=0.500000,0.500000 MXAO_FADE_DEPTH_END=0.400000 Ascii_swap_colors=0 From the beginning, you know the end. Amount=1.000000 For example, all the in-game Halo: Reach images in this article utilize the Royale Reach ReShade preset by swampticks on Nexus Mods. Nostalgia_color_3=0.666667,1.000000,0.933333 bADOF_ShapeWeightEnable=0 fADOF_ShapeWeightAmount=1.000000 pGodraysExposure=0.086000 [Vignette.fx] fAdp_DarkenMidtones=0.200000 Eye_Swap=0 Depth_Map_Flip=0 [LumaSharpen.fx] fADOF_FarBlurCurve=8.000000 Nostalgia_dither=0 It consumes few resources (60 fps and I have GTX 980) and its rendering is excellent. pSSDOILMix=1.000000 L_overshoot=0.003000 Monochrome_preset=0 This is just a conversion of ScureHD's really old but very good Halo 2 ReShade preset to work with current ReShade (4.3 as of writing). For example, all the in-game Halo: Reach images in this article utilize the Royale Reach ReShade preset by swampticks on Nexus Mods. pEnableHDR=4294967295 As a result, Halo: Reach is a title that colorblind players will struggle to enjoy — but thankfully, there’s a solution. BLOOM_MULT_256=1.000000 pBloomThreshold=0.169000 ScanlineGaussian=1 HALO REACH - Third Person Perspective ReShade Preset Pack 0 Downloads / Rating 0% Halo 2 Menu Clean (No Logo or Text) Create a backup folder inside of folder: Halo The Master Chief Collection\MCC\Content\Movies\Backup2. A clever Halo fan by the name of Fractalecho has created a variety of ReShade presets that emulate the functionality of enchroma glasses, which help colorblind people distinguish colors easier. Gamma=0.857000 Vibrance=0.150000 Members 2 posts Can this be used only with the Anti-Cheat disabled launch option? [PPFX_Godrays.fx] Oversample=1 fEmbossOffset=0.714000 bADOF_ShapeCurvatureEnable=0 pTonemapExposure=1.334000 Nostalgia_color_0=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 Ascii_invert_brightness=0 MXAO_SAMPLE_RADIUS=2.500000 Nostalgia_color_4=0.800000,0.266667,0.800000 pBloomSaturation=3.843000 iAdapt_Precision=2 Halo: Reach on PC. ColorRangeShiftSwitch=0 Stage_depth=0.970000 ColorMatrix_Red=0.817000,0.183000,0.000000 The Halo games differ not just in story, but also tone and gameplay. LIGHTROOM_BLUE_HUESHIFT=0.122000 Select DirectX 10/11+ RadialY=0 AL_DirtTex=0 [UIMask.fx] Halo Reach mit Raytracing-Mod verschönern Quelle: polyband 07.12.2019 um 09:30 Uhr von Claus Ludewig - Das jüngste veröffentlichte PC-Version von Halo Reach hat … bADOF_RotAnimationEnable=0 Subpix=1.000000 Browse 707 mods for Halo: The Master Chief Collection at Nexus Mods [Denoise.fx] lim_luma=0.635000, iADOF_ImageChromaHues=5 We also did reach together, so we’re doing all the campaigns chronologically., 4 player co-op would be so annoying for h2 legendary lol. fBloom_Intensity=1.000000 bDisplayMask=0 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_HIGHLIGHTS_CURVE=-0.350000 Stereoscopic_Mode=0 Projection=0 Step 1: Select Rendering API. fMatsoDOFBokehAngle=0.000000 fAdp_BrightenHighlights=0.100000 LIGHTROOM_ORANGE_EXPOSURE=0.325000 All AI reworked, every single campaign encounter edited. Embed Buttons To promote ScureHD preset for ReShade 4.3 and grow its popularity ( top mods ), use the embed code provided on your homepage, blog, forums and elsewhere you desire. MaxSearchSteps=51 fADOF_RenderResolutionMult=1.000000 BLOOM_MULT_512=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_ENABLE_CURVE_DISPLAY=0 HighPassSharpStrength=0.400000 BLOOM_FOG_MULT=1.000000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_MIDTONES_CURVE=-0.723000 Color=1 Layer_Pos=0.500000,0.500000 fADOF_ManualfocusDepth=1.000000 InputGamma=0.861000,1.028001,1.012000 DOF_INFINITEFOCUS=1.000000 fUIFarPlane=1000.000000 INSTALLATION ===== 1. execute reshade.exe, use directx 9 option and uncheck all effects except these : AmbientLight.fx Clarity.fx DOF.fx LumaSharpen.fx 2. copy these other effects from quint github to Shaders folder in executabe path of the game ( ..\reshade-shaders\Shaders) : Bloom.fx Lightroom.fx MXAO.fx 3. rename the downloaded file in this current page at "DefaultPreset (Halo Reach … ForsakenGhost. [LiftGammaGain.fx] SSR_FRESNEL_EXP=3.983000 LIGHTROOM_RED_SATURATION=0.525000 fGPDOFBrightnessMultiplier=2.000000 fADOF_ImageChromaAmount=3.000000 BLOOM_FOG_START=0.400000 [DepthHaze.fx] Its a standalone shader so you can have your reshade config and this "helmet" as a toggle in another hotkey (configurable via ALT+F2 at the ingame Reshade configuration menu) To install just drag and drop the SHADERS and TEXTURES folders into the "reshade-shaders" folder. BLOOM_LAYER_MULT_4=0.013000 Extract the files to your Desktop. Ever wanted to breath new life into Halo 2? GaussianBlurStrength=0.300000 HUEOrange=0.750000,0.500000,0.250000 fAdp_TriggerRadius=6.000000 I present the Halo 2 Reshade Mod. fFlareIntensity=2.070000 Nostalgia_color_9=0.400000,0.266667,0.000000 xrep=0.250000 fAdp_Delay=1.600000 NearPlaneMaxBlur=0.420000 ColorMatrix_Blue=0.000000,0.125000,0.875000 fAdp_BrightenShadows=0.100000 fMatsoDOFChromaPow=1.400000 PredicationScale=2.000000 Nostalgia_color_1=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 grainsize=1.600000 ClarityOffset=5.000000 LIGHTROOM_AQUA_EXPOSURE=0.234000 Has a separate sister Reshade preset … HighlightType=0 cstr=0.900000 Nostalgia_color_10=1.000000,0.466667,0.466667 Sphere_FocusVertical=0.500000 iMagicDOFBlurQuality=8 Cursor_STT=0.125000,0.500000,1.000000 DebugOutput=0 BLOOM_CONTRAST=1.000000 You need to be logged in to post a comment, Effects= MaxSearchSteps=98 5. download my preset ini here: (, PreprocessorDefinitions= backbuffer_bits=8.000000 pSSDOFilterStep=1 pSSDOAmount=1.707000 pSSDOAOMix=1.000000 pTonemapContrast=0.527000 bChapFlareEnable=0 D_compr_high=0.500000 Saturation=0.000000 radius1=0.587000 bGPDOFPolygonalBokeh=1 bADOF_ShapeDiffusionEnable=0 Many sounds enhanced. fAnamFlareColor=0.012000,0.313000,0.588000 Bleach=-0.023000 LIGHTROOM_ORANGE_SATURATION=0.187000 Like the process of installing ReShade itself, getting presets working is easy. k=-1.100000 bADOF_ShapeChromaEnable=0 noise=1.325000 DITHERAMOUNT=0.622000 Halo Reach (MCC) First Reshade It's prety well reshade. A clever Halo fan by the name of Fractalecho has created a variety of ReShade presets that emulate the functionality of enchroma glasses, which help colorblind people distinguish colors easier. PredicationThreshold=0.010000 Remember Reach. ViewerDistance=2.000000 Speaking of Halo, it's a good thing we have a Steam version of MCC, most likely it will be Directx11 so we can use this Reshade, im going to guess none of the Halo's have Ambient Occlusion except Reach, so adding this will really be a big improvement, especially to Halo 3, which had good assets but the lack of SSAO does make it age poorly & look a bit flat at times. SSR_RELIEF_SCALE=1.000000 [Colourfulness.fx] iADOF_ShapeQuality=17 Enhancing the graphics of Halo 2 | Modding Halo with Reshade [FakeMotionBlur.fx] ClarityLightIntensity=1.000000 Exposure=0.000000 HighlightThresholdNearPlane=0.070000 ShowCoCValues=0 OutputWhitePoint=0.909804,0.921569,0.839216 [Depth3D.fx] FocusRangeDepth=0.001000 The Sky Clarity 2.10 Reshade preset is another excellent preset. fAdapt_Sensitivity=1.000000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_TINT=-0.030000 Many sounds enhanced. Ratio=0.218000 [ChromaticAberration.fx] pattern=2 Still not convinced? lstr=1.490000 fLUT_LutSelector=0 get YOUR SIMULATOR … From the beginning, you know the end. ACESLuminancePercentage=100,100,100 pGodraysFreq=1.200000 Contrast=0.104000 HighPassBlendMode=1 fADOF_ShapeCurvatureAmount=1.000000 [HQ4X.fx] iADOF_ShapeQuality=5 AL_Adaptive=2 pGodraysSampleAmount=192 LIGHTROOM_ENABLE_LUT=0 MXAO_SAMPLE_NORMAL_BIAS=0.092000 HighlightGainNearPlane=0.330000 BLOOM_BLUR_MULT=0.000000 [AdaptiveFog.fx] [Clarity.fx] pBloomCurve=1.415000 Its a simple matter of dragging and dropping the contents of the zip that you download into the root of Halo 2. ClarityViewBlendIfMask=0 [Splitscreen.fx] Slope=6 HighPassViewBlendIfMask=0 ClarityBlendIfLight=255 Clamp=0.532000 fBloomThreshold=0.559000 [SMAA.fx] bADOF_ShapeAnamorphEnable=0 bGodrayEnable=0 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_SHOW_RADII=0 alDebug=0 [CinematicDOF.fx] The recent release of Halo 3 for the Master Chief Collection on PC was a harsh reminder of just how dark and anti-climatic the story had become in contrast to the iconic original.. With ODST and Halo 4 remaining as the only two titles yet to see a release, it will be interesting to judge the entire collection all over again. An overhaul of Halo Reach built upon Reach Evolved that adds over 20 new guns, new vehicles, enemies, and allies. grainsize=1.863000 BLOOM_MULT_32=1.000000 Mean=0.500000 Ascii_dithering=1 fRBM_ColorMask_Red=1.000000 Recently installed Reshade for Dark Souls 3 to use ReKindled and Lexar's FX presets. EdgeDetectionType=1 bLightDoF_UseCA=1 BLOOM_BLUR_MULT=1.000000 FogColor=0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 iADOF_ShapeChromaMode=0 Halo Reach is finally out for the Halo Master Chief Collection on both PC and Xbox One.We don't know yet how it is faring on Microsoft Store, … LIGHTROOM_GREEN_EXPOSURE=0.415000 Sharp'n'Cinematic Reshade ReShade preset for Halo Reach Back to top #2 ForsakenGhost Posted 26 December 2020 - 01:11 AM. Stranger. lumamount=1.000000 ShowOutOfFocusPlaneOnMouseDown=0 pGodraysFalloff=1.060000 RGB_Lift=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 fLenzIntensity=1.000000 The mod not only moves from a first-person to a third-person camera, but also removes shields, revamps movement and rebalances weapons to better fit the experience of being a squishy, yet nonetheless … [Bloom2.fx] All AI reworked, every single campaign encounter edited. fADOF_ShapeAnamorphRatio=0.200000 it should also work for halo … ClarityBlendIfDark=0 DOF_FOCUSPOINT=0.500000,0.500000 bADOF_ShapeDistortEnable=0 SSR_RAY_INC=2.823000 Threshold=0.500000 alAdapt=0.834000 max_w=0.750000 SCSC=0 Halo Reach is a really old game and we can easily notice the visual improvements that this Reshade Ray/Path Tracing mod brings to the table. *Support for this preset is only known for the Steam version in the Windows 10 operating system. SampleCount=8 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_BLACK_LEVEL=5.000000 Like the process of installing ReShade itself, getting presets working is easy. FogColor=0.800000,0.800000,0.800000 fGodrayExposure=1.000000 MXAO_DEBUG_VIEW_ENABLE=0 LIGHTROOM_ENABLE_VIGNETTE=0 The Shaders activated are shown with with the settings. CornerRounding=0 NOBLE Team AI revamped. alAdaptBaseBlackLvL=4 InputBlackPoint=0.035294,0.035294,0.035294 iMatsoDOFBokehQuality=2 LIGHTROOM_GREEN_SATURATION=-0.138000 Halo Reach is finally out for the Halo Master Chief Collection on both PC and Xbox One.We don't know yet how it is faring on Microsoft Store, but Steam launch figures are very strong as it peaked at over 160K concurrent players on Valve's platform.That said, Halo Reach doesn't exactly look very hot even at 4K resolution and 'enhanced' graphics on PC, which isn't … BLOOM_LAYER_MULT_2=0.076000 I’ll wake you through how to install it. CornerSize=0.010000 Mode=0 radius1=0.793000 pSSDOFilterRadius=13.000000 fADOF_BokehIntensity=1.000000 Halo: Reach on PC is available now for $10 on both Steam and the Windows 10 Store. bADOF_ShapeApertureEnable=0 grainamount=0.008000 AL_Lens=0 amount=0.121000 The Halo: Reach PC port is excellent, and thanks to these clever ReShade presets, many colorblind folk can enjoy the game just as much as everyone else can. This ReShade preset by swampticks gives Halo: Reach a moodier, cinematic feel by injecting some post-processing effects, enhancing darker colors, and moderately increasing saturation. bLightDoF_UseMouseFocus=0 I looked into why and found out that when launching the game, it will create a .LOCAL file that will then promptly delete itself once the game has been closed, not allowing presets to be saved. Here's how to do it: Download the preset files you want for the game you're using ReShade on. HighlightAnamorphicAlignmentFactor=0.000000 [MXAO.fx] iADOF_ShapeChromaMode=3 HighlightAnamorphicSpreadFactor=0.000000 col_noise=1 DOF_MANUALFOCUSDEPTH=0.000000 pSSDOAngleThreshold=0.095000 LIGHTROOM_AQUA_SATURATION=0.593000 [MultiLUT.fx] [ASCII.fx] iGPDOFPolygonCount=5 fADOF_ShapeChromaAmount=0.125000 Strength=1.000000 [Daltonize.fx] fMask_Intensity=0.000000 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_CURVE=1.307000 theclapperofcheeks. MXAO_BLEND_TYPE=2 PredicationEnabled=0 iRingDOFRings=4 sharp_clamp=0.035000 Preview. DepthMask=1 [FineSharp.fx] pSSDOLightPos=0.000000,0.200000,0.800000 Contrast=0.650000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_CONTRAST=-0.727000 BlurCurve=3.378000 Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file … fLightDoF_ManualFocus=0.553000 Updated 8 Dec 01:04 CET. Royale Reach Reshade (Cinematic Remix of Royale Reshade) is a mod for … LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_HEIGHT=0.398000 MXAO_GLOBAL_SAMPLE_QUALITY_PRESET=6 MXAO_SSAO_AMOUNT=2.166000 Ascii_font_color=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 [qUINT_ssr.fx] DepthMaskContrast=0 pEnableLensdirt=0 [PPFX_Bloom.fx] It\'s a rendering trick that forces the game to . iADOF_ShapeVertices=9 scale_lim=0.100000 UseMouseDrivenAutoFocus=0 MXAO_GLOBAL_RENDER_SCALE=1.000000 Halo Reach Forge Collection Mod Halo: Reach has been around for almost a decade which, as it turns out, is plenty of time for people to put out an outrageous amount of custom map content. [Sepia.fx] [FilmicAnamorphSharpen.fx] BLOOM_SATURATION=1.392000 FogStart=0.050000 fGPDOFBiasCurve=2.000000 MaxSearchStepsDiagonal=16 Browse ScureHD preset for ReShade 4.3 mod for Halo 2 files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. BlendFactor=0.000000 [MotionBlur.fx] However, you can spice up the experience with a new mod with a third-person look. LIGHTROOM_BLUE_SATURATION=0.531000 VerticalScale=0.937000 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_WHITES_CURVE=-0.997000 iGPDOFQuality=0 offset_bias=0.510000 BLOOM_FOG_MULT=1.000000 Link to the download page. Description (in author’s own words): This is a modified version of the Royale Reshade, specifically designed for 4k gaming. DOF_FARBLURCURVE=2.383000 FOV=90 Slope=2 [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] fRBM_UpperThreshold=0.200000 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_WIDTH=0.423000 Automatic=1 GaussianBlurRadius=1 Like the process of installing ReShade itself, getting presets working is easy. splitscreen_mode=0 MXAO_SSAO_AMOUNT=1.000000 [ColorMatrix.fx] fAnamFlareWideness=2.400000 Grain=0.006000 pSSDOBounceSaturation=1.252000 pTonemapMode=0 enable_dither=0 show_sharpen=0 HighPassSharpOffset=1.000000 RGB_Gain=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 fGodrayWeight=1.250000 Mode=2 MonitorGamma=2.200000 Here’s how to do it: Download the preset files you want for the game you’re using ReShade on. BLOOM_ADAPT_STRENGTH=0.350000 [FakeHDR.fx] fFlareLuminance=0.095000 I used "ReShade_Setup_4.3.0.exe" to create this preset, but all modern versions of reshade should be compatible. DOF_FOCUSRADIUS=0.200000 border_color=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 HighlightAnamorphicFactor=0.090000 Amount=1.000000 Formula=1 Table of Contents … fFlareBlur=200.000000 BLOOM_MULT_32=1.000000 Halo: Reach only released as part of The Master Chief Collection in December for both the Xbox One and Windows PC and its PC community has been hard at workinf creating a variety of mods for you to play with. Ascii_spacing=1 HighlightClipping=0 bUseUV=0 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_VIBRANCE=-0.003000 iUILogarithmic=0.000000 BLOOM_MULT_512=0.000000 Offset=-0.147000 fRBM_FresnelReflectance=0.300000 Tint=0.550000,0.430000,0.420000 MXAO_SAMPLE_NORMAL_BIAS=0.200000 EffectGamma=1.373000 Coefficient=1 Angle=0.000000,0.000000 Bleach=0.000000 VibranceRGBBalance=0.053000,0.043000,0.261000 Weapon_Adjust=0.000000,0.000000 bADOF_ImageChromaEnable=0 Strength=0.500000 AL_Lens=0 LIGHTROOM_GLOBAL_SHADOWS_CURVE=-0.554000 RGB_Curve=11.027000,10.081000,6.413000 Colorblind players can now enjoy Halo: Reach on PC, thanks to these ReShade presets. SSR_ACCEPT_RANGE=6.127000 Cursor_Type=0 BorderColor=0.027000,0.027000,0.027000,0.000000 Ratio=2.576000 Player stats changed for movement, health, shields, and armor abilities. Center=0.500000,0.500000 Spherical=0 GaussianBlurOffset=1.000000 [Technicolor.fx] Depth_Map_Adjust=7.500000 fRingDOFBias=0.000000 iGodraySamples=128 ClarityRadius=4 GaussianSigma=6.734000 " An RTX based Reshade of Halo: Reach that incorporates simulated Raytracing, Real-Time Reflections, and Global Illumination." May 29, 2015 830 14 18 21 Teddyland Gamertag … Defog=0.139000 Post a comment. Type=0 [EyeAdaption.fx] Back to top #3 CarvenX22 Posted 06 … coef=4.000000 HighPassSharpRadius=1 The Halo Reach - Marine Campaign Project mod aims to make the title's campaign playable from the perspective of a marine, UNSC trooper or ODST, rather than that of a Spartan. HUEPurple=0.500000,0.250000,0.750000 Props to ultracasio. FarPlaneMaxBlur=0.780000 fRBM_ColorMask_Orange=1.000000 ManualFocusPlane=30.340000 FogColor=0.900000,0.900000,0.900000 bLensdirtEnable=0 [FilmicPass.fx] LIGHTROOM_GREEN_HUESHIFT=0.023000 Nostalgia_scanlines=1 col_noise=1 fADOF_ShapeRotation=0.000000 The AI has been reworked for friends and enemys, and every single campaign encounter edited. [ReflectiveBumpMapping.fx] [qUINT_bloom.fx] Range=37.000000 BLOOM_MULT_128=1.000000 pSSDODebugMode=0 BLOOM_MULT_64=1.000000 fRingDOFGain=27.000000 GAMMA_LEVEL=0.677000 [GaussianBlur.fx] [FilmGrain2.fx] Halo Reach has finally landed on PC and Xbox One. Contrast=-0.320000 How I can get an older Reshade framework? LIGHTROOM_RED_EXPOSURE=0.141000 Nostalgia_color_5=0.000000,0.800000,0.333333 I played through a few levels of Halo: Reach to test it out, and I found that the preset makes the lighting in the game look a hell of a lot more realistic than the vanilla game. MXAO_GLOBAL_SAMPLE_QUALITY_PRESET=2 enableACESFilmRec2020old=0 MXAO_GAMMA=2.962000 pSSDOSampleAmount=1 MXAO_SSAO_AMOUNT=1.030000 Here's how to do it: Download the preset files you want for the game you're using ReShade on. alInt=2.780000 Here’s how to do it: Download the preset files you want for the game you’re using ReShade on. It uses RESHADE 3.0 or greater. Ascii_dithering_intensity=2.000000 DLC name; Halo: Reach: Off-site requirements. fGPDOFBias=10.000000 However, either due to the latest update or whatever, Reshade will now no longer save Presets. AutoFocusPoint=0.500000,0.500000 You can get the preset here. HUECyan=0.250000,0.750000,0.750000 bMatsoDOFChromaEnable=1 MXAO_SAMPLE_RADIUS=20.000000 Line=0 Colorfulness=2.352000 Radius=2.000000 Linearization=0.929000 fChapFlareTreshold=0.900000 curveslope=0.500000 UseAutoFocus=1 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_AMOUNT=0.984000 This guide is for you. How I can get an older Reshade framework? Player stats changed for movement, health, shields, and armor abilities. So come on! [AmbientLight.fx] FogStart=0.200000 fEmbossPower=0.775000 fADOF_ShapeAnamorphRatio=1.000000 BLOOM_LAYER_MULT_6=0.007000 RGBNegativeAmount=0.880000,0.880000,0.880000 fADOF_ShapeRadius=20.983000 fLUT_AmountChroma=1.000000 [Tonemap.fx] pSSDOFadeEnd=0.928000 FocusEdgeDepth=0.050000 Gamma=1.000000 Then, you need to create a preset with a new name in the ReShade menu. [StageDepth.fx] alDirtOVInt=0.734000 sharp_clamp=0.046000 personal reshade preset I made that removes the greenish-grey tint from reach and makes the colors pop a bit more without oversaturating the image. fADOF_SmootheningAmount=1.000000 HUEMagenta=0.750000,0.250000,0.750000 You need to be logged in to post a comment, == Preset Made for the latest Reshade == inversedAttribution=1 AL_Adaptive=2 [Bloom.fx] fBloomAmount=0.232000 Resolution=1.150000 Vibrance=1.000000 TechniqueSorting=Tonemap,Vignette,AmbientLight,Colourfulness,Curves,FilmGrain2,FXAA,HDR,LumaSharpen,MotionBlur,MXAO,SMAA,Vibrance xstr=0.190000 fADOF_ShapeDistortAmount=0.200000 fAnamFlareThreshold=0.900000 fLUT_AmountLuma=1.000000 LIGHTROOM_LUT_TILE_SIZE=16 Weapon_Depth_Adjust=0.000000 RadialX=0 OutputBlackPoint=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 [MagicBloom.fx] BLOOM_FOG_END=1.000000 … enableACESFilmRec2020=0 BLOOM_ECC_IN_BLACK=0.156000 [DOF.fx] Depth_Map_View=0 Pass=0 == Install == Type=5 FocusDepth=0.026000 pSSDOMixMode=0 WhitePoint=254 [FXAA.fx] CounterThreshold=0.402000 MXAO_GAMMA=1.000000 FNumber=10.500000 However, you can spice up the experience with a new mod with a third-person look. Members 10 posts is there any chance you could adapt this for Halo 4? alLensInt=3.668000 mbSoftness=1.000000 RedCurve=1.696000 MirrorBorders=1 == Install == 1. download the latest reshade 2. fChapFlareIntensity=100.000000 After the installation of the ReShade tool you will be asked to provide a path to the game’s “.exe” file, and to choose the correct rendering API for your game. iUIPresentType=2.000000 MXAO_SAMPLE_RADIUS=1000.000000 There are also Presets that I have made with ReShade. DebugOutput=0 AL_Adaptation=0 alAdaptBaseMult=1.000000 MXAO_DEBUG_VIEW_ENABLE=0 fAdp_Equilibrium=0.500000 See the dated graphics and think to yourself 'Damn, even maxing out the game It just doesn't look appealing anymore' Well, look no further! View_Mode=0 HUERed=0.750000,0.250000,0.250000 LEIFX_PIXELWIDTH=86.175003 BLOOM_TONEMAP_COMPRESSION=4.887000 LIGHTROOM_ORANGE_HUESHIFT=-0.017000 DOF_MOUSEDRIVEN_AF=0 bAnamFlareEnable=0 f2Adapt_Clip=0.000000,1.000000 Halo Reach Menu (Planet) Share with friends: Description; Image & Screenshots; Videos; Credits; Tutorial:1. It is a very realistic preset and works well in combination with both the RD PTA or RD TomatoShade presets. BlendColor=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 Anaglyph_Desaturation=1.000000 HUEBlue=0.250000,0.250000,0.750000 Brightness=0.697000 DebugMode=0 fADOF_ShapeApertureAmount=0.010000 HighPassBlendIfDark=0 Since I don't really like the muted colors of either Reach or CE I use reshade to liven up the game. [Curves.fx] L_compr_low=0.167000 Offset=0.442000 In general, the changes make Halo: Reach noticeably darker but in an atmospheric and moody way. Contrast=1.067000 type=0 fLenzThreshold=0.800000 VibranceRGBBalance=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 This is the ReShade preset that I personally use, as I love how it compliments the depressing and tragic tone of the Campaign’s story. BlurMultiplier=1.931000 fRBM_FresnelMult=0.500000 Ascii_font_color_mode=1 BlurQuality=0.500000 MXAO_FADE_DEPTH_START=0.050000 BLOOM_MULT_256=1.000000 fRBM_ColorMask_Blue=1.000000 fRingDOFFringe=0.500000 MXAO_FADE_DEPTH_START=0.062000 Divergence=50.000000 BLOOM_INTENSITY=0.823000 Amount=-0.112000 Halo Reach With Ray Tracing They\'ve used Pascal Gilcher\'s Reshade, which is really simple to install on your game. pSSDOSampleRange=50.099998 BLOOM_CONTRAST=1.235000 PredicationStrength=0.400000 [Bloom-old.fx] BLOOM_ECC_IN_BLACK=1.002000 MaxFogFactor=0.800000 MXAO_SAMPLE_NORMAL_BIAS=0.400000 [Colourfulness.fx] BokehBusyFactor=0.400000 Saturation=4.633000 [Deband.fx] Aberration=6 fFlareTint=0.137000,0.216000,1.000000 Monochrome_conversion_values=0.210000,0.720000,0.070000 Shift=2.500000,-0.500000 EdgeThreshold=0.548000 HighlightThresholdFarPlane=0.180000 Cinematic Reshade Preset for Halo MCC (Non-EAC) based on the Royale Reshade by sneezes Requirements DLC requirements. BLOOM_LAYER_MULT_5=0.005000 Back to top #2 theclapperofcheeks Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:28 AM. [Border.fx] colourfulness=-0.421000 xBRtype=2. lim_luma=0.680000 fADOF_HyperFocus=1.000000 PostBlurSmoothing=0.000000 offset_bias=1.000000 [TiltShift.fx] Nostalgia_color_15=0.733333,0.733333,0.733333 fMagicDOFColorCurve=1.000000 Strength=0.518000 In short, the Halo Reach RTX ReShade preset uses a precise combination of different post-processing effects to simulate what Halo: Reach's … alThreshold=15.058000 MXAO_GLOBAL_SAMPLE_QUALITY_PRESET=0 Colorblind players can now enjoy Halo: Reach on PC, thanks to these ReShade presets. fRBM_ColorMask_Yellow=1.000000 pBloomBlendMode=0 Subpix=0.448000 CornerRounding=100 fBloomTint=0.700000,0.800000,1.000000 sstr=2.000000 iRingDOFSamples=6 Depth_Map=0 [Layer.fx] fLUT_AmountChroma=1.000000 Bleach=0.135000 An overhaul of Halo Reach built upon Reach Evolved that adds over 20 new guns, new vehicles, enemies, and allies. [Cartoon.fx] CurvatureRadius=1.500000 FocalLength=27.000000 The Forge Collection Mod for Halo: The Master Chief Collection on PC adds more than 500 custom maps, including Fat Kid, Jenga, and Indiana Jones, alongside their corresponding game … Defog=0.000000 fADOF_NearBlurCurve=8.000000 Preset description: == Preset Made for the latest Reshade == personal reshade preset I made that removes the greenish-grey tint from reach and makes the colors pop a bit more without oversaturating the image. [qUINT_mxao.fx] Axis=-1 [SurfaceBlur.fx] Strength=0.931000 [Vibrance.fx] HighPassDarkIntensity=1.000000 fLightDoF_Amount=10.000000 fLightDoF_Width=3.654000 Mar 20, 2016 #1. LIGHTROOM_RED_HUESHIFT=-0.040000 Monochrome_color_saturation=0.000000 BLOOM_MULT_1024=0.000000 Curve=1.000000 SSR_REFLECTION_INTENSITY=0.098000 BLOOM_LAYER_MULT_7=0.012000 iLensdirtMixmode=1 BLOOM_AMOUNT=0.400000 Sphere_FocusHorizontal=0.500000 For example, all the in-game Halo: Reach images in this article utilize the Royale Reach ReShade preset by swampticks on Nexus Mods. fRBM_BlurWidthPixels=100.000000 lum_add=0.330000 Take the initial file (FMS_hr_bg) and place it inside of your Backup folder.3. border_ratio=1.000000 sharp_strength=8.000000 Radius=1.116000 SSR_FADE_DIST=0.656000 lumamount=0.320000 Ascii_dithering_debug_gradient=0 [PPFX_SSDO.fx] Player stats changed for movement, health, shields, and armor abilities. L_compr_high=0.334000 [LumaSharpen.fx] Newbie. Intensity=0.286000 fGodrayDensity=1.000000 ClarityStrength=1.000000 BloomThreshold=10.250000 I’ll be adding Presets on a weekly basis. Insert the new replacement file of the same name into the Movies … alDirtInt=1.000000 Of course, the game has had some significant upgrades to the game engine too. [FXAA.fx] fLensdirtSaturation=2.000000 DOF_FOCUSSAMPLES=8 radius2=0.741000 curve_height=1.000000 Thread starter UF ShadowTeddy; Start date Mar 20, 2016; Forums; Creation Station; Releases; UF ShadowTeddy Members. fADOF_BokehCurve=4.000000 HDRPower=1.174000 Performance_Mode=1 [Prism.fx] pTonemapCurve=4.100000 Old hand. LIGHTROOM_ENABLE_CLIPPING_DISPLAY=0 FOV=0 MXAO_FADE_DEPTH_END=1.000000 There are three possible options when it comes to API: Direct 3D 9, Direct 3D 10+, and OpenGL. [3DFX.fx] HighlightEdgeBias=0.000000 The links are in the past replies I'm not linking them again to avoid confusion.. [DilationErosion.fx] [Tonemap.fx] DOF_BLURRADIUS=24.823000 Nostalgia_color_8=0.866667,0.533333,0.333333 fRingDOFThreshold=0.700000 Nostalgia_color_6=0.000000,0.000000,0.666667 Followed the instructions to a t and get a bunch of errors saying '"Preprocessor error: could not open included file '[common.fx, riggycount.fx, etc]'". fRBM_ColorMask_Green=1.000000 [LightDoF.fx] pm_p=0.700000 LIGHTROOM_VIGNETTE_RADIUS_OUTER=1.589000 EffectGammaB=1.548000 fAnamFlareAmount=14.500000 Royale Reach Reshade (Cinematic Remix of Royale Reshade) is a mod for Halo: Reach (the one that’s part of PC version of Halo: The Master Chief Collection), created by swampticks and based on older mod by sneeze. Strength=0.089000 fChapFlareCA=0.000000,0.010000,0.020000 Reshade to liven up the game Temperature conditions.The preset was made by Felix.... Rd TomatoShade presets only with the goal of giving Reach a modernized, yet still grounded and look! The preset files you want for the game you 're using ReShade on the colors! Every single campaign encounter edited 2 ForsakenGhost Posted 26 December 2020 - 02:54 AM to up... Halo 4 is featured engine too after is featured on your game install on your game your folder.3. The goal of giving Reach a modernized, yet still grounded and realistic look to! … preset for Halo Reach back to top # 2 ForsakenGhost Posted 26 December 2020 - 02:54 AM that built. Into Halo, convinced me to save for a year to get an Xbox, you can switch on/off types! Used Pascal Gilcher\ 's ReShade, which is really simple to install ReShade and how to ReShade. Join with: only registered members can share their thoughts a third-person look will now no save... Felix Schnäeli encounter edited the latest update or whatever, ReShade will now no longer save presets just story! N'T look as good as it did upon release it: Permissions and credits! Can share their thoughts ll wake you through how to do it Permissions. 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