When my grandkids look up at me and smile, it lights up my heart. That’s why maintaining an attitude of gratitude is something we need to do on purpose. He is also the Principal of Wisdom Training Centre Schools of Theology and Ministry. But, it is possible to praise something without worshiping it. I wonder, would Paul, Peter, John and the rest recognize worship in say the Hillsong set up? But, I have come to learn that having a proper attitude in life and in worship is so important! The Worship leader is an individual called and anointed by God to minister in the house of … We saw that failure in here has fatal consequences that go beyond the rejection of the worship but also judgment, even death of the worshipers (Leviticus 10:1-4). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Text: Psalm 27:4 Introduction: As his parents watched from the patio, a little boy played baseball by himself in the back yard. Professing Christians would of course vehemently object to this sort of characterization, but in practice they prove their unwitting agreement with it. http://sevennotesofgrace.com/2013/09/05/oh-for-a-humble-attitude-to-church-especially-the-music/, Pingback: The Five Most Important Facts About Worship | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure, Pingback: 8 Tips On Taking Your School Worship Time To The Next Level | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure, Pingback: 8 Tips On Taking Your Sunday Morning Worship To The Next Level | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure, Pingback: 8 Tips On Taking Your Sunday Morning Worship To The Next Level | Following God: The Grand Adventure. You see that as soon as you lose sight of this God, your worship and its expression degenerates instantaneously to something of a glib, blithe, flippant, and trite exercise. A clear understanding of what we mean by … “It is impossible to please God without faith. He basically imagined a dichotomy between the God of the Old Testament and that of the New Testament. God wants our hearts to be true before Him. Praise precedes worship. A casual perusal of the New Testament would quickly dismiss this suggestion. It has helped me to really love the new songs and be able to worship with all my heart. Lesson 1. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. As we have presented throughout this series, Biblical worship is a highly regulated activity. What a picture of real, unfeigned joyful worship! Elly has a passion for biblical truth and the recovery of the authentic gospel in Kenya and Africa. In the second place we examined the all important question of content. The people had no taste whatsoever for the things of God. But how can we square this obvious truth with the heavily regulated, even restrictive portrait we have this far painted of Biblical worship? Pastor Anderson invites you to join him as he looks at what God’s word has to say about how a thankful heart leads to a heart of praise and worship. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come. Elly Achok serves alongside other elders at Gospel Missions Agency church, Kenya. Now this, dear friends, is the Biblical view of the God we come to worship. It could be a legitimate argument to set forth, that perhaps the prevailing culture in the Biblical period had more musical instruments (numerically speaking) compared to modern times. The Attitude of Worship. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come. Psalm 81:10 says, “I am the Lord, YOUR God . Psalm 22 verse 3 But thou art Holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel… we have had an encounter with Holiness and should reflect that. In this view God no longer operates in the New Testament as He did in the Old. This false mindset represents a rebellion against those attributes of God which do not settle well with our fallen human nature. Should we be afraid of the presence of such a God? In this respect the purpose of worship has been turned on its head. It is unspeakable in the sense that it is not natural, it defies human comprehension. I did not always feel like it. So I enter what I consider to be a very pivotal point in the whole matter of worship and the attendant attitudes and expressions. Nehemiah tells us, ‘the joy of the Lord is your strength’ (8:10). The point which the friend was making is that worship is the whole and all of life, the attitudes, responses, relationships, and duties, the church and work place and all of that. www.markcole.ca/attitude-is-everything-the-attitudes-of-worship It is not a ritual. Part I Do you know what Worship is? Frankly, I don’t want to go through life without passion. This is the kind of joy scripture refers to as ‘unspeakable and full of glory’ (I Peter 1:8). It is on this point all else turns in worship. With this liberty, the world has been brought into the church, and the worship of God turned into something not much different to a disco scene and reveling spot. Thus in discussing the place of proper attitude in worship, I propose to divide that discussion in two broad aspects. We read from David: ‘I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord’ (Psalm 122:1). The Bible says that, “the eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.”. Pingback: What I’ve Discovered About Worshipping God ~ Part 1 | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure. When we see how fearful God is, and that He has not left worship to the whims of our styles and innovations, we are immediately gripped with a sense of fear. Youtube | Facebook, In the first part of our discussion on Worship we were concerned to make the distinction between what would generally be called the body of worship and the heart of worship. The answer can be supplied by considering the following points; i) Christian joy is not levity: Matthew 5:12 has our Lord exhort his people to rejoice and be exceeding glad when they go through trials and persecutions. Required fields are marked *. Hi Jane, I’m sorry to hear of your frustration… A long time ago I decided to learn all those new choruses and embrace the change. I submit that our view, opinion and way of thinking about God has changed. It is my considered view that what is ruling contemporary worship in Pentecostal and charismatic churches is really the spirit of the age. Isn’t it … Just as praise is intertwined with thanksgiving, worship is intertwined with surrender. Commitment to learning. A praise and worship leader's life, as viewed by the congregation on a daily basis, has as much or more effect on the worship attitude of the congregation as a well-planned flow of music and singing from the worship team. I submit that at the end of the day when all has been said and done, it is a more fundamental question that goes beyond the expression of worship, to the very eligibility of the supposed worshiper. When you have an attitude of praise, you won't be able to outrun the goodness of God because what you send up, comes back down. It is impossible to worship God and anything else at the same time (Luke 4:8). To many times in life we feel beaten down. The purpose of our worship is to glorify, honor, praise, exalt, and please God. Thank you for sharing God bless you always.I would like to share this too to my team. He deserves enthusiastic worship from his people, and this should be our hearts’ desire for Him. In the age of the seeker friendly movement, the worship service is all designed for the people and not for God. As a worship leader, praise and worship is part of my daily lifestyle. Worship is the aptitude, attitude, and practice of expressing the desire to … That tremendous visage struck fear in his heart and we hear him cry, ‘Woe is me! However, those without a place to live would love to have a house to clean. With that regulation comes sanctions, and with sanctions punitive penalties. It is too easy to be impressed by our own accomplishments and forget who is the real source of all the good in our life. God deserves our whole heart! I. 15 processo metamorfico Ailwigh. ‘God is looking for true worshippers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth’. People from all walks of life thronged that concert, both believers and unbelievers and our political class, notorious for lewd, immoral, and sometimes even illegal behavior, were there. The God who gave us fearful snapshots of His terrible deeds in the night of blood and death across Egypt is the One we approach (Exodus 12). “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,” (Hebrews 12:28). Pride is never too far from the music arena, it is just the nature of the situation. Lot’s wife is a monument of leaving Sodom yet Sodom not leaving your heart. I grew up on the west coast of Canada and I love informality. Indeed sometimes, noise and too much activity can take away from the joy of an activity. Sowing Seeds of Worship in Everyday Life. I love it when they don’t take those things for granted. I want to have a humble attitude. If this be the attitude of holy, sinless angels, how much more we who have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God? In this context the big word is attitude. He is synthetic, he is not the God of Scripture. Jesus said to the woman of Samaria, ‘a time is coming and now is when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the spirit and in truth…for such worshipers the father seeks’ (John 4:23-24). Sample David in the house of God, seated and speaking alone with God and almost in holy whispers (2 Samuel 7:18-29), and what you see is a portrait of a man who is so thankful, and so joyful he can do no better than sit and express his innermost feelings before the Lord. Learn how your comment data is processed. Knowing who God is and that He has given you all that you have, keeps you on the right road to have a correct and humble attitude in your worship. God not only commands us to praise Him, He made us for that very purpose. Naturally the question comes to mind: What has changed? This is why our views, opinions and the way we think of Him (which would influence our behavior in His worship) must never change. Sometimes I just wanted to stay home and relax. Men like T.D Jakes would call God, ‘my buddy, my Homey.’ Another would be heard using the American colloquial, ‘God and I are tight’.These are expressions which would be anathema in both the Old and New Testaments and in a good part of the subsequent history of the church. Of course this amounted to tossing a ball into the air and attempting to hit it with his bat. What terror must we attach to the One who effortlessly caused the earth to be buried in watery graves in the days of Noah (Genesis 6)? I am anxious to press this point because the word attitude in today’s parlance brings with it new and contemporary nuances. The God we have described in modern worship expressions is a plastic sort of God. This was a coming to pay homage to a ‘Christian superstar’. He also hosts Reformed content at the following sites: Acknowledge that the Lord is God! Some would say ‘anointed to worship.’ No doubt this category of ‘Christians’ attract big bucks and have well mastered the art of spicing worship with techniques and soothing voices. Pingback: 10 Ways To Improve Your Worship Team ~ Part 1 | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure, Pingback: 10 Ways To Improve Your Worship Team-Part 4 of 4 | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure, Great post – might reblog at some point! This element of mutual edification and therefore the need for sobriety, order and deliberateness, cannot be gain-said in the matter of the public expression of worship. You have in the minds of many professing Christians a mellowed God, whose rough edges have been smoothed by the coming of Christ, and the ushering in of the era of grace. God remains immutable, His standards never lowered, but we have changed our view of Him. He wants us to have thankful hearts when we come to worship Him. We are urged to present our bodies a living sacrifice which is our reasonable act of worship, and while doing so, ‘do not be conformed to the standards of this world’ (Romans 12:1-2). As we praise Him, we submit ourselves to the One who is worthy and express devotion for the One whose love is unfailing. God descended upon the mountain of meeting with such fearful signals that the people pleaded with Moses never to have that experience again. There has been a changing of His own standards, is the unspoken consensus. He enacted that terrible episode again, earlier in the New Testament, to a man and his wife who dishonored His presence by telling lies (Acts 5.1-11). They instruct, command or imply the worshiper is to take specific physical action. The role of a praise and worship leader is to lead by how he conducts his life and how he treats his family and others. One must have a new nature with new appetites – the appetites and tastes of Zion. This low view of God finds expression in worship services and particularly music. When peace, like a river, attendeth my way. Actions And Attitudes: 10 Hebrew Words for Praise & Worship The Hebrew words translated as “praise” or “bless” have a deeper meaning than is conveyed in English. Sometimes in our need for informality we forget who God is. Praise and worship are in fact to be the foundation on which we live our lives. Know that God is literally present, bow down low before Him in your soul, mind, spirit and body when … God wants us to come into our worship times with joyful songs. I want to be one of those ‘true worshippers’ who is ‘fully’ engaged. It is the sort of experience of joy and gratitude which cannot be hindered by the fetters of prison, as was the experience of Paul and Silas (Acts 16:25). It is aimed at the wrong God, or at the very least motivated by false or defective views of the God of Scripture. In today’s language He would be called ‘uptight’, ‘nitpicky’, ‘grumpy’ and a ‘kill joy’ .We have been subliminally persuaded that He has changed in the New Testament. I have been leading worship at home and around the world for over thirty years. all creation. Attitude of Joy in worship. Praise is a relationship. The tenor and texture of worship in the New Testament, as we suggested in our discussion in the first two parts, moves away from physicality to spirituality. I am 73 and have been in a leadership role in church music since I was 16 and directed a cherub choir in a small town church. It is different with the friends of the world, the systems, styles, expressions and innovations attract them. These are the views which must shape how we really think, our responses, and our expressions in worship. This terrible reality grips Isaiah when he is given a glimpse of proceedings of worship in the very precincts of heaven itself in Isaiah 6:1-3. . You see then how the terrain has completely changed? It is about Him we have certain settled views, opinions and feelings and these views and feelings then inevitably cause us to behave in a certain way before Him, in His worship. Praise can be a part of worship, but worship goes beyond praise. God must be the object of worship by. Frankly, you are not going to shock Him. Psalm 100 says it this way: Worship the Lord with gladness. Praise voices sincere and deep gratitude for who God is and what He has done. One professor disparaged the God of the Old Testament as an old grandfather desperately in need of anger management classes. There may be worship everywhere really, but there are such people as true and false worshipers. I want to die to my pride and get my self-worth from my relationship with God. It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul. Nothing could be further from the truth. Worship gets to the heart of who we are. But, we generally don’t worship … We set the firm foundation of what worship means on a daily basis to the Christian and then consider the role of praise. We must be willing to humble ourselves before God, surrender every part of our lives to His control, and adore Him for who He is, not just what He has done. So what has really changed? 10 Ways To Improve Your Worship Team ~ Part 1 of 4, “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure, What I’ve Discovered About Worshipping God ~ Part 1 | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure, 10 Ways To Improve Your Worship Team ~ Part 1 | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure, 10 Ways To Improve Your Worship Team-Part 4 of 4 | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure, The Five Most Important Facts About Worship | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure, 8 Tips On Taking Your School Worship Time To The Next Level | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure, 8 Tips On Taking Your Sunday Morning Worship To The Next Level | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure, 8 Tips On Taking Your Sunday Morning Worship To The Next Level | Following God: The Grand Adventure, The Five Most Important Facts About Worship, The 10 Commandments of Great Worship Team Members, Attitude Is Everything! When peace, like a river, attendeth my way. We do not bring gifts for which God is desperate. The God of our worship is the One who killed Nadab and Abihu at the altar (Leviticus 10). I would sing on my way to and from work, and even at home while cooking dinner or getting dressed. I invite the reader to take note of the content of David’s worship while he sits before the Lord. It is a granted fact that we are by and large influenced by the dominant culture and attitudes of our day. He is pleased when I have the faith to worship Him no matter what my feelings are. This is how men like Mark Driscoll, formerly of Mars Hill Church, would get away with lewd remarks in church and attract more following while at it. We must examine whether we may be included in that blessed category of true worshipers because, in the words of our Lord Jesus, ‘for such worshipers the Father seeks.’. When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say: It is well, it is well with my soul. Did you catch that word, ‘fully’? Familiarity breeds contempt and this was perhaps the undoing of Cain. It is loaded, hearty and meaningful, not casual and trite. The man lays on his bed, tears rolling down his cheeks as he contemplates the goodness of God and expresses his inner longings. From the Old through to the New Testament you see worship that is very restrained and reverent, quite unlike what is common among the Pentecostal and charismatic scenes. There the prophet is witness to holy, sinless angels engaged in heavenly worship. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.”. happy. Worshipful Living. We are in this respect children of our day. During his lifetime he became perhaps the greatest preacher in the English-speaking world, of his […], This article is the contents of an address first given in February 2020 at the Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Newcastle, UK. INTRODUCTION 1. worship can be in the healing process, we must first get a better understanding of what worship really is. God is the same. I love it when my kids and grandkids express their thankfulness for a gift that I have given them or something that I have done for them. An attitude of praise chases away the enemy. Praise and worship clearly go beyond something we do in church or at a concert. Blessings to you! (The Attitudes of Worship). They are urged to show that they are enjoying what they are doing, that they don’t care about the opinion of the person standing or sitting next to them. I want my worship to be pleasing to God. True worshipers are not developed in music schools or church apprenticeship programs, true worshipers are born of God, they are spiritually made. Wether I am playing tennis, mountain bike riding, writing music, studying or spending time with my family; I want to do it with my whole heart. I often put this slogan on my weekly worship lists. He made us, and we are His. To truly worship God, we must let go of our self-worship. Away from Christ we are personae non gratae before God, and our worship ‘an abomination to the Lord’ (Proverbs 15:8).This mindset enforces a humble deportment, and regulates what would be presumptive liberties. ‘Sing with an attitude like a child of the king, let no one hinder your freedom in the Lord,’ is not an uncommon exhortation in these circles. ‘As a deer pants for the after brooks so does my soul pant for thee, Oh Lord’ (Psalm 42:1). I make this reference because even our TV stations, without regard to what authentic religion should be, still noted the hypocrisy. We have thus far identified two key issues which make for the […], Charles Haddon Spurgeon was born in Kelvedon, a village in the county of Essex in the east of England, on 19 June, 1834. My church has no interest in what our group does, but they do allow us a place to practice our music twice/month. We praise for who God is; we thank for what God does C. Worship relates to God’s holiness, praise to His greatness, thanksgiving to His goodness 1. Praise is easy; worship is not. Has the change been in musical instruments? It is impossible to answer this question in a million pages of writing beyond the statement, ‘He is the Almighty God.’ Think of the One who by a mere word of His mouth spoke the great and expansive galaxies in place (Genesis 1)! It is a call to know Him intimately and express appreciation to Him with praise and thanksgiving, doing so with passion, sincerity, conviction, and in reverent fear and trembling. This blog is part of my vision to train over 100,000 worship leaders around the world. All these have the effect of elevating men in worship, to create categories of worshipers which scripture knows nothing about. In Pentecostal and charismatic worship services (which I was in for more than 17 years), it is not uncommon to hear ‘worship leaders’ exhort congregations to dance with a certain ‘attitude’ before the Lord. I want to make sure that when I come into God’s presence, that I come with a great attitude. We were created to worship the Creator. However, a person without transportation dreams about having a car to drive. The root of the majority of the aberrations, presumptions, innovations and liberties taken in worship can be blamed on the absence of the fear of the Lord. His attitude before the Lord was well captured in the irreverent question, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’ He did not show his fear of the Lord, and the curse which came upon him was to his own regret ‘too heavy for me to bear’ (Genesis 4). What this blasphemous reasoning creates is a threefold cumulative attitude. When I lift my hands in worship and sing to God, I have faith that He is there. Must it not be borne in our minds that the access we have before God is a mediated one (Ephesians 2:18)? Of anger management classes may look to his church and speak on evening! To Him must believe that if you would like to attitude of praise and worship this too to my team spoken attitude... Starts with me: an attitude of praise and thanksgiving are utterances of the Old Testament and he... With us worthy and express devotion for the musician or worshipper in your life should expect... Abundance, even restrictive portrait we have come that their joy might be full ’ understanding! 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