Given here is the complete explanation of the Poems, along with a summary. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Poem Chapter 1 The Road Not Taken are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English. x��Zmo�8�^��A�/�,&�%K~Y����n_n��ás�&i��v7v&;�돤dGNle��NG�(�"�b���ˋ�o>�c�lƮ��0����"�u���$fZI��,��Tl�8? Answer: The web of life is quite complex. 6�f2���v�Z�xWT�O 5#U��MTp5����bS������R)�����D3K�hk��A�)���f���缅�'dO��.Ix�6��O������d� �[�X���PH�(&ST%�41�� |��ْ>���Y���0�Q�O�mX��[�������z;/ʧI:�L��N��ۗ\ “Yellow wood” stands for the autumn season. Here we have given CBSE Class 9 English Poem Chapter 1 The Road Not Taken. What decision does the speaker have to make in the poem? It tells about a man who comes to a _____in the road he is travelling upon. We have provided The Road Not Taken Class 9 English MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well. Why will the choice between two roads that seem very much alike make such a big difference many years later in the life of the poet ? What is the message of the poem? %���� Obviously a lot of people had taken the … In leaves no step had trodden black. Pluralities of options confuse us. In the yellow autumnal wood, two roads diverged into two directions. Take turns to ask or answer these questions. Check out MCQs for Class 9 English Beehive book Poem 1- The Road Not Taken with Answers. Question 1. The life takes its own course, and it does not give a second chance to alter our decision and change our course of life. Question 1: Answer: Out the two options, he had to choose the one. In life we have to choose our options; sometimes we have to make these choices without a full awareness of the circumstances. Each and every answer is designed meticulously keeping in mind the CBSE exam pattern and the marking scheme. Answer: Answer: The Road Not Takenenen 2019-20. Find a word from the extract that means ‘crushed’. Is it easier to come back to the path we have left for another day? Read Free The Road Not Taken Extra Questions And Answers The Road Not Taken Extra Questions And Answers If you ally habit such a referred the road not taken extra questions and answers books that will allow you worth, get the agreed best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. Actually our success depends on the decision which we take at present. Where does the traveler find himself? ‘Woods’ in the poem stand for the complexities of human life. jeff the killer . His problem is to decide on which road he should walk. What do the roads represent? Good decisions have a great deal of significance. Answer: 2. 2 years ago. The roads represent the problem of decision-making. Answer: One should live in the present and not in the past. Discuss what these phrases mean to you. How will you make the choice (for what reasons)? Question 3: ��� OG�J>9y&/��AS���*���׫�q|�j���8�n����p(��e��9�y �!�Z�h����(�ߺ�׎�9��. What does the speaker encounter? Then took the other, just as fair, Question 4. A successful person has several friends and they support him/her in every possible manner. CBSE recommends NCERT books and most of the questions in CBSE exam are asked from NCERT text books. He realizes that his choice will have made “all the difference” in his life, but he is presently uncertain about what the difference will turn out to be. ... 12 Questions Show answers. Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Question 4. Download free NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Poem Chapter 1 - The Road Not Taken. The speaker in "The Road Not Taken" is most clearly which type of person? Answer: He faces the problem of choosing the road which can lead him to his destiny. It means the leaves had not been crushed under the feet of travellers. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Poem The Road Not Taken book solutions are available in PDF format for free download. Answer: Then answer the questions. It was difficult to decide which road would be more convenient and comfortable. The poet wanted to explore both the roads. Our collection is growing every day with the help of many teachers. Sometimes the initial questions seem easy but by the end you reach down to the sixth or seventh question, the difficulty level starts popping. 4 0 obj He left the one which was a popular choice. Answer: He avoided the popular and off-beaten path of life. The decision taken may mar one’s future or lead one to success. Human beings suffer because of their choices and decisions. The ‘other’ road had a better claim as it was grassy. Question 3: The traveller finds himself at a point where two roads diverge. What does “both” refer to in the stanza ? Does the poem, ‘The Road Not Taken’, symbolizes or reveals a meaning or aspect of freedom or responsibility ? The narrator is conflicted as he thinks about which road to take. The poet was standing before the two roads. Karnataka State Board Class 7 English Poem Chapter 6 The Road not taken The Road not taken Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes. Students can write their own experiences. Oh, I kept the first for another day! The choice we make will make all the difference in life. 59% average accuracy. What problem does he face? Answer: The steps of travellers have not blackened them. Answer: Answer: The setting of the poem is a wood where the poet, Robert Frost, has gone for a walk. Use examples from the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ to support your answer. Answer: 4. Life provides many options. Why was the poet doubtful about the first road ? What is the difference between the roads in the "The Road Not Taken?" However, if examined the way of the world, we find that the individuals who have achieved recognition and fame have always eschewed the beaten track. The Road Less Travelled is a fiction the speaker will later invent, an attempt to polarize his past and give himself, retroactively, more agency than he really had. We have compiled NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem 1 The Road Not Taken with Answers Pdf free download. The choice decides the outcome in life. And both that morning equally lay The solutions ensure a smooth plus effective knowledge of all the advanced concepts discussed in the chapter. There is a fair amount of irony to be found here in the poem but this is also a poem infused with the anticipation of remorse. The poem reveals the complex nature of a seemingly simple decision. Students can download the specific chapters from the CBSE and NCERT text books from MCQ Questions for Class 9 English with Answers were prepared according to the latest question paper pattern. Hence, the poem stresses the need for deep and critical analysis of the situation before we arrive at a life-transforming decision. Frost chose to devote his life to his poetry. Life provides many options and alternatives. Even after some deliberation and the fact that usage “Had worn them really about the same,” he cannot help wondering, but then doubting “if I should ever come back”. Even then, we should arrive at decision only after carefully considering all the available options. One way leads on to another. <> The web of life consists of many paths and sub-ways. stream Trace a word from the extract which means “suspected”. It makes all the differences. I. All the exercises and Question and Answers given at the back of … He can’t follow all the ways or paths simultaneously. Nobody knows what he would have gained had he followed the least risky and safe path of life. Leave a Comment Cancel reply. He believes that at some time far in the future, he will still be thinking of his two possible paths “with a sigh”. Played 186 times. Question 3. The poet is feeling sorry because he could not travel both the roads. No, he speculated and brooded over the situation. 16 / Beehive GLOSSARY diverged: separated and took a different direction undergrowth: dense growth of plants and bushes wanted wear: had not been used hence: here, in the future Thinking about the Poem I. They find themselves in such situations at every step in their lives. The outcome of life depends on the ways or path of life that we choose. 22 Qs . Answer the following questions briefly. Out of the available options, they have to choose the one that may take them to their destination. Why did the poet take the ‘other’ road? Where does the traveller find himself? His decision or choice of future action is of utmost significance since the decision decides his destiny .The poet, Robert Frost, through this poem asserts the importance of the right decision at the right time. Once we make the decision and proceed accordingly, we can never reverse it. The Road Not Taken DRAFT. (About 30-40 words each). They don’t want to take any risk. What does the poet mean by “just as fair” ? Frost uses this fork in the road to represent a point in the man’s life where he has to choose the _____he wishes to take in life. We must ruminate over the disadvantages also. How did the poet make his choice about the roads ? This poem highlights the fact that freedom (of choice in this instance) brings with it its own set of responsibilities. Please refer to the attached file to access the chapters. Answer: Hence, we must make the right choice to get the desired result and success in life. Then took the other, just as fair,” Robert Frost said that "The Road Not Taken" was written about a friend of his who, whatever road he went on, was sorry that he hadn't chosen another. For Study plan details. 0. The philosophy of ‘is’ is the key to attaining success. He wanted to choose the one that would take him to his intended destination. Our success or failure depends on the choice that we make. But he exercised his option after much contemplation. All the solutions are updated for new academic session 2020-21. Its hurdles are to be crossed bravely. 627 plays . We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Poem Chapter 1 The Road Not Taken help you. The Road Not Taken Summary | Class 9 English Poem Explanation and The Road Not Taken Question Answer.

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