Skyrim Special Edition ; Mods ; Bug Fixes ; AIM FIX - total control over the crosshair for archery and magic; AIM FIX - total control over the crosshair for archery and magic. (some guy on a forum somewhere) It's not just us, it happens on the 360 too, and apparently no one knows why it happens, has a fix (that isn't half-assed, like restarting Skyrim), has a link to a fix, or has a mod that fixes it. As you start casting with one hand, you can see how the crosshair moves a little (it's Aim Fix applies for one hand). That's a glitch? [+] Melee Camera for Left Handed Magic - duplicates the one in the Ranged Activity section since this parameter is global and related to Melee/Ranged toggle. Noticeable ones: the "Disable Aiming Offsets Application" is enabled by default, so the aiming offsets will not apply until you decide to use them. [+] Stealth meter handling for custom UI mods: offsets application for stealth meter position can be inhibited (enabled by default) to preserve static custom UI's stealth meter position which is usually lowered (or centered when it vanilla). Please read later to meet more performance and compatibility features related to this mechanism. [+] Lock Wheel Zoom when Archery - Locks the wheel zoom by equalizing global minimum and maximum zoom (vanity distance) temporarily only during Ranged Activity. [*] Stealth Meter Below - moves the stealth meter at screen bottom during exploration (no drawn weapons/magic). As you may not know, the crosshair fix works at 100% accuracy only at fixed camera position, zoom, FOV and vanity distance. Idk if this had been solved already or not. Discover more posts about skyrim-se-mods. [+] Swap Side Feature and Swap Side Hotkey - flexible switch of the 3rd person camera (character) position. Initially hidden. Center position can be excluded (switched off in MCM) individually for each Activity. Discover more posts about skyrim-se-mods. Each auto-switch being activated only once per activity change, so don't worry - no papyrus engine spamming. FPS Limiter Mod: 2.22c. No need to update if everything working well for you with 2.2c. [+] Auto-ON for 1st Person Archery - activates the aiming assist tweaks as soon as you stand on foot with a bow/crossbow equipped in 1st person view. 3. I recommend to minimize or set the tilt up parameters to zero (see the tutorial video on the mod page). Of course the performance will not increase drastically, but it's a more logical way to manage unused features. Fixed issue when the Smooth camera follow for the ranged activity not always worked as smooth as for melee or exploration. I can't see my crosshair, health, stamina, magica and quest arrow thing. This will not affects the magic offsets. [*] Option "Stealth Meter Lock (Custom UI)" removed and replaced by different option (in the new MCM-section "Advanced Compatibility") since it now has a different purpose (more details down below). 2.4. Second, don't say "it's gravity," because if you do you need to go back to highschool. The patch provided as is. Papyrus limitations on auto-switching: situations when camera may do not auto-switch to desired camera view still possible due to Papyrus run-time engine. As soon you turn camera away the crosshair dissapears. [+] Reset and Restart Mod - restores initial AIM FIX settings also reactivates the mod after pressing a button "Prepare Mod for Update/Uninstall" (see next). 2.3. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. When disabled, this parameter will be reverted to its initial state (from other combat mods or vanilla). (1:17)2. README is inside. [+] Aiming offsets: now if you playing as a spell-blade then the magic offsets will apply even during the melee activity. [+] 1st Person: Tilt Angle of Crossbow Bolts - does the same for bolts as described above but it will not affect the spells. maybe i have a mod that alter first person crosshair. Provides total control over the crosshair position for archery and magic to match the hit point shift caused by the custom animations and mods. when i try to aim and shoot with a bow the arrow goes way of the crosshair. < > Showing 1-5 of 5 comments . Carbon (Default) IPB Light . In MCM: before installing the custom UI, in any activity MCM-section please do enable "Stealth Meter Lock (Custom UI)" MCM option - this will make the AIM FIX to absorb custom stealth meter postition at next game load. They contain camera position settings combined with behavior switches depending on player actions, also the crosshair toggles is included. Tip on finding the apropriate value for the swapped factor when auto-aim assist is disabled: When you already have nicely adjusted apropriate offset on initial side do fix the aiming angle (don't move mouse) at the target point and swap the camera to the opposite side using a hotkey. Right hand has become primary during dual magic attack - you can charge right handed long range attack during left handed healing, so left hand spell cast will not break right hand aiming. Skyrim SE, version 1.5.73 only Beta 7: Updated SexLabUtil.dll and PapyrusUtil.dll to the new version of SKSE (2.0.16) Skyrim SE, version 1.5.80 only Re-enabled … AIM FIX Combat Camera - Chinese translation by leochan125, AIM FIX Lite - Chinese translation by leochan125. As soon as you release the left handed magic attack button the offset for right handed magic will apply. Skyrim's code contains a lot of deleted references. [+] Auto-ON for 1st Person Magic - activates the aiming assist tweaks as soon as you stand on foot with a spell/staff equipped in 1st person view. AIM FIX mod will automatically disable this switch as soon as you disable the "Crosshair: Show while Hovering on Objects" option for all Activities to lighten the script load a bit. In mod manager: and install custom UI (e.g. [+] 3rd Person Camera: Sneaking Vertical. It fits those who play as a spell-blade: prefer to have a Melee camera behavior during a right handed weapon along with left handed spell equipped (e.g. So, the custom stealth meter handling is very flexible and conviniently allows you to use any custiom UI mods. Thank you very much for reading this changelog, I hope it helps you to build a whole picture of new possibilities you get with the AIM FIX. For arrows and bolts it allows you to make a more inclined flight trajectory. When stealth meter is below the regular crosshair will be shown at the center (if it enabled too). [+] Crosshair toggling: new advanced crosshair toggling mechanism. [+] Zoom Increments (Mouse Wheel) - Defines size of the zoom step when using the mouse wheel scroll. Feb 25, 2013 @ 5:18am Can't see my crosshairs etc. [-] Removed all dual eqip offsets (it is described above, look under the text "[*] Offsets apply: improved handling of dual equipped magic and attacks"). Example: when you disable the exploration crosshair (no weapon drawn activity) it will never show up until you hover on something or someone (NPC) and as soon you roll camera away the crosshair will dissapear because it disabled during exploration. Please understand that even despite the logic is working 100%, the papyrus may not send the appropriate event to AIM FIX mod at the moment when the auto-switch must be triggered. Notice:Please read bugs/limitations list in sticky post before using full version.This is optional MAIN file with camera features included. [+] Stealth Meter Lock (Custom UI) - when enabled provides support for any custom UI mod by ignoring stealth meter position, which means that AIM FIX will not apply the aiming offsets to stealth meter and preserve its custom position. After uninstallation and saving this game the rest actions depending on user'skill when preforming saved game cleaning using external utility (search for two scripts to delete from save: LoadCamINI and SmoothCameraFollow). To enable or disable the crosshair… Added AIM FIX automatic standby mode during the intro sequence (Helgen): if you start a new game the AIM FIX will be inactive (including MCM) until you escape Helgen. You can directly tweak the Tilt Up Angle parameters of Skyrim.ini via MCM. AIM FIX Combat Camera mod version history. [+] New MCM-section "Advanced Compatibility". Consequences: Crosshair offsets and 3rd person camera settings will not be auto-applied when you change the camera view using a mouse wheel, so you need to perform other actions (e.g. 【SSE: Skyrim Special Edition対応】スクリプトのクリーンアップ&親MODの男性自身巨大化オプションの初期設定でのOFF OStim - OSex overhaul and API 3.2.1 【通常版用/SSE: Skyrim Special Edition対応】DLCの食物に追加対応 This is main file which works with other camera mods like 3PCO. [*] Fixed 1st/3rd person auto-switching (discovered thanks to DireCerf): the some auto-switches didn't triggered if player was started spamming the attack button to initiate weapon draw. Note that these changes are considered safe, unlike some other Skyrim.ini tweaks. Fix 6: Reinstall your Skyrim It is possible that Skyrim got installed incorrectly causing it to crash. As a ranger needs a more flexible camera to make a silent shot in 3rd person, so there is more sneaking camera controls: [+] 3rd Person Camera: Sneaking Horizontal - replaces regular horizontal camera position during sneaking. The compass shows up at the top just fine and centered, but no crosshair. can anyone help? [*] Crosshair toggling: when stealth meter is set to be below via MCM it now centered horizontally (position is similar to SkyHUD mod even if it not installed). Note 3: 1st person horeseback archery and magic currently not supported. [*] Crosshair toggling: fixed unwanted crosshair disappearing/appearing after menus/dialogs and during sneaking. You must think and decide for your self, what's better exactly for you. I can't even mark armors as "revealing" to fix it, because it's not saving it. 3- Revenge of the Enemies makes combat very deadly by enhancing the AI and attacks available to the enemies.. 4- Critical Hit - Backstab and parry works well with Mortal combat. [*] The rest ranged settings are the same as they was in old mod (3PCO++) but now they resorted and renamed. So again hit swap side hotkey and watch where the crosshair goes. Changes: [*] Less operations comparing to vanilla crosshair (only vanilla crosshair will be forced during sneaking since the custom crosshair is always active). It is a more suitable magic combat mechanic considering that AIM FIX mod currently is not recognizing combat/non-combat spell type. Note 2: Currently 3rd person magic on horseback is not implemented yet until good animation mod will appear on Nexus. Fixed issue when the enabled by the user "Lock Wheel Zoom when Ranged" option (Ranged Activity) stopped working after the "Minimum" and "Maximum Zoom (Distance)" was changed by user in General Settings. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Save often; not quicksave or autosave, a full save. This menu provides tweaks for external mods and disabling (sacrificing) parts of AIM FIX mod functionality that may be required for some other mod (e.g. 2- Organised bandits of skyrim makes bandits varied and tough. The 'Stealth Meter: Lock (Update Custom UI)' option will be disabled. AIM FIX additional features (when needed): the absorbed stealth meter position is used for dynamic crosshair toggling between the activities and for lowering the centered sneak eye during hovering on interacting objects objects/NPC's, also stealth meter will start recieving the aiming offsets when it centerd (vanilla) during sneaking. 1.2. :( (or toggle god mode and go wild haha). [+] Stealth Meter Lock (Custom UI) - duplicates the one in the Ranged Activity section since this parameter is global and related to each atcivity. Consequences: Smooth camera follow will no longer function until you enable this feature again. What fixed it for me was simply saving where I was and reloading. Changes from AIM FIX v2.0 (2018-12-08) to AIM FIX v2.1 (2018-12-30): [*] Optimized scripts: reduced number of hooked controls and game events to slightly reduce the script load. Dodging power attacks and backstabbing looks … [*] Improved handling of the crosshair position and visibility: Whole this mechanism has been entirely rewritten and optimized at the code level. この記事は 非推奨 です。最新版はこちらで確認 → Skyrim 記事一覧 前提 以下の行程がすべて済んでいることととする。 Skyrim - 新・日本語化2016 Skyrim - 新・ベースセットアップ Skyrim - 新・キャラクタベースセットアップ As you return into game the Tween Menu will auto-toggle rapidly to apply new FOV (only once per FOV value change). [*] Fixed position recovery of a custom UI's stealth meter position after settings reset and in-game uninstall (discovered thanks to Psyphie). ... Skyrim Technical Support ; No crosshair when riding[Solved] Theme . When I am aiming a bow in a flat trajectory, I expect the arrow to fly flat at first and then drop down. See description above in "[+] MCM Ranged Activity" setion. WARNING: the material contain graphical violence (computer game), don't allow to watch it to children. - Disable the "Show while Hovering on Objects" option for each Activity. As you can see the AIM FIX mod is quite flexible. I thought it was just a poor design choice." Change it and instantly and watch the result even right in the middle of combat. Consequences: aiming offsets will no longer be updated (re-calculated) for an opposite camera side; also FOV will not apply automatically after menu closing. 3rd/1st person camera switch via mouse wheel will become instant. Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. Now for compatibility with the [Skyrim Unbound Reborn] mod FOV will not apply automatically until user don't apply it by himself in MCM. Dynamic crosshair visibility toggle, stealth meter position toggle. Just a recommendation, rather than a requirement. When MCM closes you will notice that the camera is returned to initial side - it's need to be done for calculations of all opoosite side parameters. 2020.02.19. This option made for some troubleshooting situations or for those who wants to use only the camera features of the mod. [+] Zero All Magic Offsets - reset magic offsets (fill with zeros). Crosshair visibility settings for each Activity will not affected by this option. Whenever this double cursor problem happens, this quick fix will get you playing again in no time!Steps for people in a hurry:1. See description above in "[+] MCM Exploration Activity.." setion. Crosshairs came back without an issue. 1.1. This will not affects the archery offsets. No need to update if you already playing well. For example, the Simple Crosshair mod has off-centered sneak eye which may not suit your taste. So when enabled you will get Ranged camera behavior only when you swap spell to a right hand or equip a dual magic. Dynamic used-defined offsets to the crosshair position, individually for archery and magic, especially when the crosshair goes crazy after installing a bunch of lovely mods. Permissions and rules for mod translators: 1. If you want stealth meter to be centered dynamically and get the aiming offsets during sneaking then simply disable the "Stealth Meter Lock (Custom UI)" option in MCM. [-] Aiming offsets: removed dual attack offsets for spells and staves - they are no longer needed because of a new handling mechanism for magic offsets (described above). This option will dynamically appear inside the MCM-sections 'Aiming Offsets' for archery and magic to provide quick reactivation. You still be able to perform a wheel zoom in other Activities. The reason is that the arrows somehow hit the target above the crosshair and i want to fix this by repositioning the crosshair. 2. Aug 11, 2013 @ 12:01pm You can adjust this in you .ini file, #1. [+] Added twitching prevention for the opposite side offsets. [+] New option "Process 'Sneak' Key - disabling this hook will cause AIM FIX to stop capturing and processing the Sneak hotkey (default key are Ctrl) to suit needs of some another mod, if you consciously want it. Gravity pulls things DOWN. [+] Zoom Speed (Mouse Wheel) - Speed of zooming when using mouse wheel scroll. See about the appropriate MCM-option for spell-blade below at the text: "[*] Melee Camera for Left Handed Magic". Load full saves when possible 4. Requies all main offsets to be properly adjusted on the initial camera side before finding the appropriate increment value. This actions no need to be performed in case if you are activating all mods at once by loading a clean save or starting a new game. For example, bandits vanilla accuracy is 84, can you believe it? After you get out of cave and Alduin will fly far away (the Unbound quest completes) you will see the AIM FIX welcome message, the camera will apply its defaul settings, and the MCM will become active. luckily we have the AIM FIX aiming offsets feature, so if you are a pro shooter then it's your way. [*] Fixed minor error appeared in the papyrus logs for smoothcamerafollow.psc: "error: (00000014): cannot fetch variable...", discovered thanks to masal57. Ingame AIM FIX uninstallation function works 100%, reliable as a rock, but even if you have a skill to perform saved game cleaninig, please always remember, that the risks of using such utility will always remain. Negative values means zooming in (closer). AIM FIX compatibility patch for iHUD (or iHUD with SkyHUD), The patch provided as is. The main purpose of the AIM FIX mod is the ranged combat, so there is the aiming control options, some of them is activity related, but mainly they all collaborated here to provide a more complex difficulty control of ranged combat on a player and NPC sides. 2019-08-16 - updated [AIM FIX compatibility patch for non-vanilla start]. [+] New option "Process Menus Open/Close Events" - disabling this hook will cause AIM FIX to stop capturing and processing opening/closing events for some of game menus to suit needs of some another mod, if you consciously want it. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. 2.5. [+] Camera Field of View - Adjusts coverage degree of visible scene. Known issue Internal game parameters of such NPC dodging behavior being absorbed on first mod init and reverted back upon in-game uninstall. Left handed spells will apply during dual fire attack as soon as the right attack button is released. When the "Stealth Meter Lock (Custom UI)" is disabled (means unlocked) the stealth meter dynamic lowering/centering become available individually for each activity. Manual re-enabling of the AGO's MCM options will be ignored until you disable this option. Introduction: This mod/plugin is a continuation of my previous work, SexLab - Hide Crosshair Reference. This is the vanilla aiming assist function. [*] Horizontal camera posotion tweak: position of the melee camera is initially swapped to center despite the actual horizontal value in the MCM is 50 (same as the exploration camera). [+] Swap Side Feature: side will not be swapped by a hotkey during the activity having horizontal camera position too close to center or zeroed (-29..0..+29). [+] New option "Process Movement Keys" - disabling this hook will cause AIM FIX to stop capturing and processing movement keys (default key is 'A' and 'D') to suit needs of some another mod, if you consciously want it. Currently it has options to control the custom UI mods and Archery Gameplay Overhaul. I checked skyrimprefs and it is set to =1. Also for those who prefer wider FOV the MCM hint (which is appearing below in MCM) contain the way of enabling a separate FOV for 1st person hands to prevent stretched/little weapons in 1st person. Dynamically lowered stealth meter will always get absorbed custom UI position, so you don't feel the difference but will have more control over the crosshair. heal of flames). Functionality remains the same. [*] Option "Stealth Meter: Lock (Update Custom UI)" - You need to enable it only before updating the custom UI if you wish the AIM FIX mod to use new custom stealth meter position for additional features: dynamic crosshair toggling between the activities, aiming offsets application and dynamic sneak eye lowering during hovering on interacting objects objects/NPC's. When I tick the checkmark of the armor I want to be "revealing", it Skyrim SEをはじめる・2018年秋バージョンを書きました。以下は古い記事です。 以下は古い記事です。 2016年に登場したSkyrim Special Edition(Skyrim SE)は今、バージョンが1.5.39になり、SKSE64も実用的となって、Modもひと通り出揃っている感じなので、いまさらながらですが、はじめてみました。 after crouch, stand up, etc). ... and Windows settings on Skyrim SE, on 2017 Hardware, so that YOU don't have to! Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. Reverts all changed Skyrim parameters to a vanilla ones, detaches all game's hooked events and hotkeys for current game to be saved, also inhibits all mod functions except one MCM button - "Reset and Restart Mod" (just in case if you change your mind, it's OK all will be fine with your save, you may not worry at all). Last updated 04 December 2020 7:30PM. However, they go off center towards the bottom left of my screen only when my character is sneaking. To Reference these deleted references, it can cause Skyrim to desktop Increments ( mouse wheel ) - size. 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