This is the British English definition of come out of left field.View American English definition of come out of left field.. Change your default dictionary to American English. How to use come out of left field in a sentence. Out of Left Field We the People…Means Everyone. Variations include "out in left field" and simply "left field". “Well, that came from way out in left field!” It’s something we’ve all heard, and most of us have said once or twice in our lives. A related phrase, “from [or out of] left field,” meaning out of the blue or without warning, came along in the 1940s, also via baseball. ‘It just came out of left field, and it enabled me to do something's totally different from scoring a live-action TV series.’ ‘There are so many times where the actions of the various characters simply come out of left field.’ or the left-h-s of the brain and the type of functions controlled therein. Left field is far away, and "wrong" as left always is -- so an unexpected idea, one that comes from no connected thread, a non sequitur, is said to come from out of left field. Come out of left field definition: to be completely unexpected | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples as in rum. All of his paintings are right out of left field. 0. A left-fielder would thus typically be stationed further back from the action than the center or right fielders, as he would have a greater amount of ground to cover. Synonyms for out in left field include off-center, odd, quirky, unconventional, off-the-wall, eccentric, strange, bizarre, offbeat and weird. AMERICAN. The phrase out of left field may refer to something that is odd or does not fit. This idiom refers to baseball's left field but the precise allusion is disputed. [16] Callies suggested that the left fielder in baseball might throw the ball to home plate in an effort to get the runner out before he scores, and that the ball, coming from behind the runner out of left field, would surprise the runner. Out of left field is contained in 1 match in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Some writers suggest it comes from the remoteness of left field, but only in very asymmetrical ballparks is left field more distant than right field. He is, like most theorists, out there in left field, ignoring the experimental evidence. [16], From the Way Out In Left Field Society: [13], In Safire's Political Dictionary, Safire writes that the phrase "out of left field" means "out of the ordinary, out of touch, far out. Some writers suggest it comes from the remoteness of left field, but only in very asymmetrical ballparks is left field more distant than right field. Another word for out in left field. A related phrase, “from [or out of] left field,” meaning out of the blue or without warning, came along in the 1940s, also via baseball. to come out of left field definition in the English Cobuild dictionary for learners, to come out of left field meaning explained, see also 'come at',come about',come across',come along', English vocabulary [10][11] The earliest scholarly citation Safire could find was a 1961 article in the journal American Speech, which defined the variation "out in left field" as meaning "disoriented, out of contact with reality. Another word for left-field. (See also. "The phrase "way out in left field" has evolved to mean an eccentric, odd, misguided or peculiar statement or act. The semi-goofy person that issues such utterances is said to be out in left field, far away from the conventional and connected. Thus, if someone said that you were "way out in left field," the person was questioning your sanity and comparing you with a mental patient. When something comesout of left field that means it was surprising or unexpected. For the Hank Williams Jr album, see, "Cubs originally called West Side home |",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 11 December 2020, at 21:51. Online Slang Dictionary. Search to come out of left field and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. could refer to the left side of a sports field and the unusual-ness of a successful score from this side of the's a guess. There is another usage that comes also from baseball. The institute housed mental patients who could be heard making strange and bizarre comments within listening distance of players and fans. 0. out of left field. Most of your ideas are out of left field. (figuratively) An unexpected, bizarre, or unwatched source (especially in the phrases out of left field and from left field). [17][3], This article is about an American slang term. (odd, eccentric) ser extraño, ser raro loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo"). Find more ways to say out in left field, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. It is quite difficult for a good left field ball to hit the ground in far left field, get picked up, and thrown, accurately across the entire field to the first … A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations. Synonyms for out in left field include off-center, odd, quirky, unconventional, off-the-wall, eccentric, strange, bizarre, offbeat and weird. [4] A "rocking chair hit" was the kind of song which came "out of left field" and sold itself, allowing the song plugger to relax. What does left-field mean? as in kooky. For example, The composer's use of dissonance in this symphony is way out in left field, or His answer was out of left field; he was totally wrong. Marcus Callies, an associate professor of English and philology at the University of Mainz in Germany, wrote that "the precise origin is unclear and disputed", referring to Christine Ammer's conclusion in The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. Michigan left as in stranded. Sure, my aunt is really wacky and often out of left field, but I love her to pieces! However, his determination was quickly put to the test whenout of left field his wife came home with a box full of donuts. 1. singular noun If you say that someone or something has come out of left field or is out in left field, you mean that they are untypical, unusual, or strange in some way. Strange, and unexpected. to come out of left field definition in the English Cobuild dictionary for learners, to come out of left field meaning explained, see also 'come at',come about',come across',come along', English vocabulary The phrase came from baseball terminology, referring to a play in which the ball is thrown from the area covered by the left fielder to either home plate or first base, surprising the runner. 2. a position or circumstance that … RSS. WAY OUT IN LEFT FIELD - Out of touch, eccentric, odd; also, misguided. as in screwy. Cook County Hospital (by the West Side Grounds, the Chicago Cubs first location under what is now the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine) had a mental institution behind left field, and "patients could be heard yelling and screaming things at fans behind the left field wall. suddenly; from an unexpected source or direction. The slang word / phrase / acronym out of left field means... . WAY OUT IN LEFT FIELD - Out of touch, eccentric, odd; also, misguided. (See also out in left field.) "[2] This is disputed since there is no evidence of the phrase being used before the 1940s, and the Cubs moved from the ballpark in 1915. [3]. Out of left field describes something that takes one by surprise, something that is unexpected or perhaps incongruous. Someone or something that is out in left field or out of left field is strange or unusual, or doing things differently from most other people. Definition of left field. Menu. God, did that ever come out of left field! Find more similar words at! The batter immediately drops the bat and runs to the right to get to first base. Obama Wins!!! The question came out of left field, but Mary Ann wasn't really surprised. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content. 3 a : a state or position far from the mainstream (as of prevailing opinion) they were really out in left field with that idea. “Well, that came from way out in left field!” It’s something we’ve all heard, and most of us have said once or twice in our lives. Advertisement Sentence Examples. Definition and synonyms of come out of left field from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. left-field synonyms, left-field pronunciation, left-field translation, English dictionary definition of left-field. [6][7][8], In May 1981, columnist William Safire asked readers of The New York Times to send him any ideas they had regarding the origin of the phrase "out of left field"—he did not know where it came from, and did not refer to Shaw's work. left field definition: 1. the left part of the field in baseball 2. unusual and different from what is normally seen…. I highly enjoying reading Out of Left Field, and highly recommend it to readers who love playful, sport-centred YA contemporary. Popular music historian Arnold Shaw wrote in 1949 for the Music Library Association that the term "out of left field" was first used in the idiomatic sense of "from out of nowhere" by the music industry to refer to a song that unexpectedly performed well in the market. Hence, "out in left field" meant one was furthest from the action taking place at home-plate, and the most likely to draw erroneous, fanciful conclusions about that action; thus, in a general sense, someone out in the left field would be someone who was not taking part in the action of whatever endeavor we were talking about. [1], According to the Major League Baseball website the term means "crazy." Variations include "out in left field" and simply "left field". Come out of left field definition is - to be very surprising and unexpected. Define left-field. Definitions include: to be left behind. out of left field. as in unconventional. Find more ways to say left-field, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. "Out of left field" is American slang meaning "unexpected", "odd" or "strange". [5], Further instances of the phrase were published in the 1940s, including more times in Billboard magazine and once in a humor book titled How to Be Poor. 279 synonyms for Out In Left Field (other words and phrases for Out In Left Field). be out in left field v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of out of left field is. Another way to say Out In Left Field? The origin lies in the West Side Grounds that the Chicago Cubs called home from 1893 to 1915. Example: Cole has put on weight over the years, so he wants to go on a diet. as in off the wall. This term alludes to the left field of baseball, and there is some disagreement concerning its origin. Definition and synonyms of out in left field from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. For example: “The small independent film came from out of left field and won all the big awards.” Notes: This is similar to “out of the blue” and “out of nowhere,” but “out of left field” often carries a suggestion of something strange. [15] He did not cite Shaw's work and he did not point to printed instances of the phrase in the 1940s. Definition and synonyms of come out of left field from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. come out of left field meaning: 1. to be completely unexpected and often unusual: 2. to be completely unexpected and often…. Out of left field describes something that takes one by surprise, something that is unexpected or perhaps incongruous. Its origin is unknown. [14], In 1998, American English professor Robert L. Chapman, in his book American Slang, wrote that the phrase "out of left field" was in use by 1953. Learn definitions, uses, and phrases with out of left field. "Out of left field" is American slang meaning "unexpected", "odd" or "strange". Linguist John Algeo told Safire that the phrase most likely came from baseball observers rather than from baseball fans or players. “I’m gonna eat healthier starting today,” he said. Come out of left field definition: to be completely unexpected | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Learn more. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. "[14] The variation "out in left field" means alternately "removed from the ordinary, unconventional" or "out of contact with reality, out of touch. What does the idiom “Out of Left Field” mean? Meaning of (out) in left field in English (out) in left field strange, unusual, or completely wrong: I wouldn't vote for him – his ideas are way out in left field. The idiom out of left field is taken from American baseball terminology, and its earliest use seems to stem from the 1950s. Dictionary ! This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Out in left field definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. refers also to something that comes out of the blue, unexpectedly, as if from nowhere. How did you come up with that one? He is, like most theorists, out in left field, ignoring the experimental evidence. Most baseball batters are right handed (therefore swing the bat from right to left) and hit a ball out into left field . The defensive position in the outfield to the left. A position far from the center or mainstream, as of opinion or reason. During a time period, the shape of the outfield in Yankee Stadium roughly approximated an oval, with the "long" portion pointing to left-center. left (or right) nut; Definitions include: In the same tradition as calling shotgun, these two terms refer to the back seats on the left and right side of the vehicle. Find more similar words at! As legend has it, a mental hospital was located directly behind the left field wall. Look it up now! What does left-field mean? as in rummy. 1 : the position of the player defending left field. as in spacey/spacy. Lucky/Unlucky. Definition: Unexpected, random and odd. This term alludes to the left field of baseball, and there is some disagreement concerning its origin. (Ok, I realize I’m a Little Late With This) Posted by Kristin Crighton on November 19, 2012. [4] A 1943 article in Billboard magazine expands the use to describe people unexpectedly drawn to radio broadcasting: Latest twist in radio linked with the war is the exceptional number of quasi-clerical groups and individuals who have come out of left field in recent months and are trying to buy, not promote, radio time. b : a source of the unexpected or illogical that question came out of left field. This is the British English definition of come out of left field.View American English definition of come out of left field.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Information and translations of left-field in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The phrase came from baseball terminology, referring to a play in which the ball is thrown from the area covered by the left fielder to either home plate or first base, surprising the runner. Definition of left-field in the dictionary. Out of Left Field is a lighthearted, sport-adoring, lots-of-fun novel that revels in the celebration of strong friendship, pushing the boundaries, and finding the courage to chase your dream. Well, that suggestion is certainly out of left field! The phrase out of left field may refer to something that is odd or does not fit.The idiom out of left field is taken from American baseball terminology, and its earliest use seems to stem from the 1950s.Its origin is unknown. [4] Based on baseball lingo, a sentence such as "That was a hit out of left field" was used by song pluggers who promoted recordings and sheet music, to describe a song requiring no effort to sell. left-winger; Definitions include: in the United States, a member of the Democratic party. "[14] He compares the term to left-wing politics and the Left Coast—slang for the liberal-leaning coastal cities in California, Oregon and Washington. 1. ... (especially in the phrases out in left field and way out in left field) noun. "[11][12] [9] On June 28, 1981, he devoted most of his Sunday column to the phrase, offering up various responses he received. (in baseball) a. the area of the outfield to the left of center field, as viewed from home plate. SEE DEFINITION OF out in left field. Meaning of left-field. Uncommon, unpopular, or otherwise strange. b. the position of the player covering this area. 2 : the part of the baseball outfield to the left looking out from the plate. out of left field suddenly; from an unexpected source or direction. a musical outfit specialising in clubby, electronica sounds i believe. Learn more. This is the British English definition of out in left field.View American English definition of out in left field.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Most of your ideas are out of left field. 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